True Copy Attestation in Dubai

A document bearing a lawyer’s signature and stamp, certifying that it is an authentic replica of the original document, is known as a certified true copy. A passport true copy, for instance, is a photocopy of the original document (usually the main page including the photo) bearing the lawyer’s signature and stamp attesting to the fact that it is an authentic copy of the original passport.

If the institution has a written policy or mandate seeking the true copy, the attorney may in some circumstances draft precise language verifying the true copy.
To depend on and accept copies of original papers for transactions requested by the document holder, several government offices, embassies, consulates, and private institutions worldwide frequently require the certification.

Thus, a true copy attestation in Dubai plays a crucial role in document verification. Many people wrongly believe that notarizing and attestation of documents have the same meaning when it comes to legal procedures. We frequently get requests from clients for their documents to be notarized. Mixing together the two is a frequent error or misunderstanding. In actuality, they differ from one another in a few ways.

Attestation of True Copy


True copies of the documents are needed if the original is not available. A lawyer attests documents as authentic copies in Dubai and throughout the United Arab Emirates. A lawyer signs and stamps the photocopies, confirming that they are accurate copies of the original document, and cross-checks the original.

Work certificates, electricity bills (DEWA bills), and passports are the typical documents in the UAE that need authentic copy attestations. Legally witnessed documents are utilized for several transactions, such as opening bank accounts, registering businesses, applying for visas, and purchasing or selling real estate.

Having a genuine copy of a passport is often required for transactions in the United Arab Emirates. These transactions include forming businesses, creating bank accounts, transferring property, and applying for immigration. You must see the lawyer in person so that they can confirm that the passport photo accurately represents you in order to issue the actual copy.

Public Attestation by a Notary


Another person who can certify a document is a notary public. Notarization is the process wherein a notary public witnesses the signature of a document and attests to its legitimacy. The notary public alone is authorized to perform this process.

Documents like the power of attorney, signatures, memorandums of association, and certain affidavits are notarized by notaries public in the United Arab Emirates. Translating draft documents into Arabic or into both English and Arabic is a requirement. However, genuine copies of documents like utility bills and passports are not given by the notary public.

Certain nations, including the United Arab Emirates, do not require the notary public to sign and place the notary seal on the document. In the United Arab Emirates, the document is signed, stamped, and annotated with further information about the notary.

Let’s now examine the several documents that are eligible for certified true copy attestation:

  • Passenger lists ─ A document of identity issued by the government that confirms the passport holder’s identity and nationality.
  • ID for Emirates ─ A required identity card that serves as documentation of residency and identity for citizens of the United Arab Emirates.
  • International Driver’s License ─ A legal document granting someone the ability to drive a car both locally and abroad.
  • Utility bills, such as SEWA and DEWA ─ Bills from organizations like Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) and Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA) for basic utilities like water and electricity. Get true copy attestation for DEWA/SEWA bills in Dubai from us.
  • Statement from the Bank ─ A statement that a bank issues that lists all of the financial transactions that have occurred, including balances, withdrawals, and deposits.
  • Accreditations ─ Official records attest to the successful completion of a training session, course, or other educational initiative.
  • Certificates/Degrees ─ Official certificates awarded by educational establishments for completing courses of study.
  • Birth and Marriage Certificates ─ Official records attesting to a marriage or a person’s birth.
  • Transcripts/Scorecard ─ Documents that include grades and coursework that describe an individual’s academic performance.
  • Images/Images ─ Illustrations that depict people’s likenesses are frequently needed for identification.
  • Letters of Employment ─ Official records that employers issue to verify the terms and circumstances of employment.
  • Certificate of Experience ─ A record attesting to a person’s professional experience and abilities gained while they were employed.
  • Application Document ─ A formal application form for a particular program, job, or service.

When the passport bearer chooses not to submit the original passport, certified true copies are especially important. In addition to passports, additional required documents for submission overseas include degrees, diplomas, and experience letters.

Obtaining approval from relevant authorities overseas requires certified true copies of these documents due to the time-consuming nature of transporting them internationally.

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