Youngster Joey (boss)

Youngster Joey
Location Indigo Plateau
Cooldown time None (not rechallengeable if you won).
Dates active 2/2016—present
Basic requirements
  • Level-80 Rattata (must be under your OT registry)
  • A required lead-up to traveling into Hoenn
  • One shiny Rattata

‘YES! Your Rattata is worthy! Now, let’s see how it pales in comparison to my top-percentage-Rattata team!’

—Youngster Joey

Joey is a compulsory boss NPC. His characterization in Pokémon Revolution Online is a nod to the same Joey depicted in the manga and the one of the Youngster-trainer class encountered in the handheld games.

Since Joey occludes the Hoenn-transitioner that is stationed in the Indigo Plateau, he is the last transregional hurdle needed to access the Hoenn region.

While a compulsory boss battle for one’s regional progression, he is considered one of the least-difficult boss NPCs in the game due to his monospecies lineup of Rattata—a nod to his predilection of the Pokémon in the official canons.

Challenging Youngster Joey

Joey can be found interposed between the region-respective partitions of the Indigo Plateau building. While he is required in order for the Hoenn-transitioner therebehind to be reachable, he can battled anytime after you access Indigo Plateau contingent that you satisfied the rest of the prerequisites for battling him.

You will need to have a level-80-plus Rattata on-hand to battle him; Raticate will not count, even if it was initially obtained as a Rattata. it must also be under your OT registry, so you can not trade for it. The most expeditious method of obtaining a level-80-plus Rattata would be to catch one from its highest-leveled spawning area in Mt. Silver Expert Belt (ranges from levels 48-52) and training it from that level onwards.

If you have lost to him, he will be instantaneously rechallengeable; otherwise, if you won, he will permanently disappear and thus no longer be challengeable.


Youngster Joey’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100
Taunt Dark Status 100
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Endeavor Normal Physical 100
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100
Swagger Normal Status 90

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Blizzard Ice Special 110 70
Grass Knot Grass Special 100
Thunder Electric Special 110 70
Rain Dance Water Status

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Pluck Flying Physical 60 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100
Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90
Work Up Normal Status

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90
Body Slam Normal Physical 80 100
Assurance Dark Physical 60 100
Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.


The most sought-out reward is Joey’s antecedence to accessing Hoenn, as he occlusively prevents one from accessing the Hoenn-transitioner needed to be transported to that region.

Additionally, a guaranteedly shiny Rattata will be rewarded upon defeating him—one of the few known sources of obtaining a 100%-rate shiny in the game. By virtue of Joey’s permanent disappearance upon defeating him, however, this is the only shiny Rattata that he’ll reward.