This area is part of Vulcan Island, the summer event island. As such, its accessibility is limited to its opening times, which are between June and August.
Vulcan Cave — Vulcan Island |
Land Pokémon
Average levels
Extremely Rares
Water Pokémon
Average levels
Extremely Rares
Battleable NPCs
Ground-lootable items
Berry trees
Adjacent areas
↑ Vulcan Cove |
← |
Vulcan Cave |
→ |
↓ |
Vulcan Cave is a Vulcan Island cave located south of Vulcan Cove. The cave cannot be entered until starting the second part of the Vulcan Quest in Vulcanic Town, and is also the target destination of that quest.
As forewarned by many trainers in the cave and in Vulcan Cove, Manaphy can be encountered in the deepest part of the cave. Reaching it will require Surf and Rock Smash, and Flash is also recommended to bring as its upper floor is in the dark. Manaphy is however not catchable, giving only the seen data as a reward.
Notable miscellanies
Abandoned Pokémon
An Abandoned Pokémon can be found in the south-westmost dead end of Vulcan Cave B1F. Picking up the blue Pokeball will provide the player with a level 25 Wailmer.
Pokédex Number |
Pokémon |
Type 1 |
Type 2 |
Rarity Tier |
Held Item |
#320 |
Wailmer |
Water |
Uncommon |
Wild Pokémon
Vulcan Cave B1F
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rarity Tier |
Bagon |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Deino |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Dugtrio |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Machoke |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Machop |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Mawile |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Onix |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Rhydon |
36-40 |
Morning |
Night |
Uncommon |
Rhyhorn |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Uncommon |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
- Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Vulcan Cave B2F
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rarity Tier |
Aerodactyl |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Cubone |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Donphan |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Geodude |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Marowak |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Phanpy |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
File:3062Icon.png |
Vulpix-Alolan |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
- Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rod |
Rarity Tier |
Frillish |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Horsea |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Lumineon |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Marill |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Poliwag |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Slowpoke |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Staryu |
36-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
- Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Item |
Quantity |
Cooldown |
Location |
Rare Candy |
1 |
Indefinite |
In a dead end of the far north of B1F. |
PP Max |
1 |
Indefinite |
At the end of a dead-end circling around the south-east of B1F. |
Leftovers |
1 |
Not respawnable |
Hidden Item. On a rock at the very end of a dead end northeast of B1F. |
NPC Trainers
Vulcan Cave B1F
Vulcan Cave B2F