Veilstone Department Store — Sinnoh |
Overviewing collage |
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Veilstone Department Store |
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Veilstone Department Store 1F |
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Veilstone Department Store 2F |
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Veilstone Department Store 3F |
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Veilstone Department Store 4F |
A positional vantage point of Veilstone Department Store in Sinnoh.
Veilstone Department Store is a large shopping building located in Veilstone City.
It is the only department store available in Sinnoh, and by extension, the largest store in the region. On top of regular items found in Pokémarts, it also sells more unique items such as TMs and evolutionary stones.
Ground Floor
Item Buyer
The first floor contains an Item Buyer, who will buy many items from the player. Most specifically, he will rebuy Pokéballs and Potions for 1/8 of their regular price, regular berries for
20, Evolution stones for
210, and PvP Items as noted by the tables below.
Evolution Stones
Pokéball vendor
A Pokéball-vendor can be found on the ground floor. He will sell you 50 Pokéballs for the price of the discounted price of
9,000, which saves
1,000 from the regular price of 50 Pokéballs.
Trainer Supplements
On top of the Reception, a merchant of this floor sells all items that are regularly found in Pokémarts. Normally, Pokémarts are limited by a maximum amount of 10 items, however they have gathered every item here by separating them into multiple categories.
Items |
Price |
Pokéball |
200 |
Great Ball |
600 |
Ultra Ball |
1,200 |
Items |
Price |
Potion |
300 |
Super Potion |
700 |
Hyper Potion |
1,200 |
Max Potion |
2,500 |
Revive |
1,500 |
Ailment cures
Items |
Price |
Antidote |
100 |
Paralyze Heal |
200 |
Burn Heal |
250 |
Ice Heal |
250 |
Awakening |
250 |
Full Heal |
600 |
Items |
Price |
Escape Rope |
550 |
Ether |
600 |
Repel |
350 |
Super Repel |
500 |
Max Repel |
700 |
1F: Vitamins and EV reducing berries
The two vendors of this floor will sell EV-related item. The top one will sell Vitamins, which increase the EV of a Pokémon, while the bottom one will sell berries that have the opposite effect.
Items |
Price |
Protein |
8,000 |
Calcium |
8,000 |
Carbos |
8,000 |
HP Up |
8,000 |
Iron |
8,000 |
Zinc |
8,000 |
Mysterious Candy |
5,000 |
Items |
Price |
Pomeg Berry |
3,000 |
Kelpsy Berry |
3,000 |
Qualot Berry |
3,000 |
Hondew Berry |
3,000 |
Grepa Berry |
3,000 |
Tamato Berry |
3,000 |
Rotom cardboards
There is a stack of cardboard boxes that can be used for Rotom forms on the 2nd floor. If the player has a Rotom in his or her party, it will be able to freely change between the multiple forms with no cost or delay.
2F: TMs
TMs are sold on this floor, making it the largest TM store available in the region.
Items |
Price |
TM23 — Dragon Rage |
3,000 |
TM58 — Bulk Up |
3,500 |
TM114 — Rock Smash |
3,500 |
TM104 — False Swipe |
4,000 |
TM27 — Fissure |
5,500 |
TM67 — Protect |
6,000 |
TM60 — Hidden Power |
6,500 |
TM105 — Scald |
8,000 |
Psych Up Tutor
On top of the TM vendor, a Move Tutor for the move Psych Up is stationned on this floor. He will teach the move to any compatible Pokémon for the price of
3F: Evolutionary Stones
Items |
Price |
Leaf Stone |
2,100 |
Fire Stone |
2,100 |
Water Stone |
2,100 |
Thunder Stone |
2,100 |
4F: Vending Machine
The top floor contains a vending machine. It sells beverages, which are alternatives to Potions.
Items |
Price |
Fresh Water |
200 |
Soda Pop |
300 |
Lemonade |
350 |
PvE Coin Master
Main article: PvE Coins
The PvE Coin Master is located on the top floor. He will sell various rare Pokemon and items using PvE Coins as a currency. He will sell up to 5 different kind of Pokemon, which are randomized each week from a list of Pokemon. The items he sell varie from a large variety of categories, including Cosmetics, Mounts, Evolution items, Battle items and Usable items.