



Statistical Attributes

Base Power




Uproar is a Special, Normal type, attacking move. It causes damage for 3 turns, and prevents neither the user nor the foe from falling asleep.

Any sleeping Pokémon will wake up.


Level Up

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
084 Doduo Normal Flying 29
085 Dodrio Normal Flying 29
102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic 1
163 Hoothoot Normal Flying 34
164 Noctowl Normal Flying 39
193 Yanma Bug Flying 27
271 Lombre Water Grass 32
288 Vigoroth Normal 9
293 Whismur Normal 25
294 Loudred Normal 27
295 Exploud Normal 27
327 Spinda Normal 37
329 Vibrava Ground Dragon 40
330 Flygon Ground Dragon 40
358 Chimecho Psychic 32
433 Chingling Psychic 32
441 Chatot Normal Flying 45
469 Yanmega Bug Flying 27
479 Rotom Electric Ghost 8
479A Rotom-Wash Electric Water 8
479B Rotom-Heat Electric Fire 8
479C Rotom-Frost Electric Ice 8
479D Rotom-Fan Electric Flying 8
479E Rotom-Mow Electric Grass 8
482 Azelf Psychic 31
535 Tympole Water 23
536 Palpitoad Water Ground 23
537 Seismitoad Water Ground 23
550 Basculin Water 3
554 Darumaka Fire 17
582 Vanillite Ice 10
583 Vanillish Ice 10
584 Vanilluxe Ice 10

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Egg Moves

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
016 Pidgey Normal Flying
017 Pidgeotto Normal Flying
018 Pidgeot Normal Flying
019 Rattata Normal
19A Alolan Rattata Dark Normal
020 Raticate Normal
20A Alolan Raticate Dark Normal
021 Spearow Normal Flying
022 Fearow Normal Flying
050 Diglett Ground
051 Dugtrio Ground
115 Kangaskhan Normal
258 Mudkip Water
259 Marshtomp Water Ground
260 Swampert Water Ground
300 Skitty Normal
301 Delcatty Normal
309 Electrike Electric
310 Manectric Electric
396 Starly Normal Flying
397 Staravia Normal Flying
398 Staraptor Normal Flying
519 Pidove Normal Flying
520 Tranquill Normal Flying
521 Unfezant Normal Flying
551 Sandile Ground Dark
552 Krokorok Ground Dark
553 Krookodile Ground Dark
574 Gothita Psychic
575 Gothorita Psychic
576 Gothitelle Psychic

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.