Trick House

Trick House — Hoenn




A positional vantage point of Trick House in Hoenn.

Adjacent areas

Trick House
Route 110

Trick House is a Hoenn building located in Route 110, near its western entrance. Making a return from the original games, the Trick Master will challenge the player to complete his puzzles, from which many rewards can be obtained.

Trick House Challenge

Every challenge is divided into three parts:

  • Finding the Trick Master in the entrance room. It will be necessary to examine his location as if he was an hidden item.
  • Navigating through his puzzle room. Once in, leaving will mean abandoning the challenge, as such all trainers must be fought without going back to the Pokemon Center. It will be necessary to gather 3 or more Scrolls, and then speak to the Trick Master to complete the puzzle room.
  • Answering his Quiz. He will give one riddle, and the correct answer must be chosen. Once it is correctly answered, the challenge is completed by examining the scroll on the north wall.

Once the challenge has been completed or abandoned by leaving the building, there will be a 1 to 3 days cooldown before being able to do the next challenge, depending on which challenge the player challenged.

After completing the 6th challenge, every next challenge will also use the 6th room. Only the riddle and the reward is randomized.


1st to 5th challenge

The following rewards can be obtained only once by completing the first five challenges.

Item Quantity
TM62Taunt 1
Great Ball 5
Rare Candy 2
Hyper Potion 10
Magnet 1

6th challenge (repeatable)

Everytime the 6th challenge is completed, a random reward from the following list is obtained.

Item Quantity
Hyper Potion 5
Max Potion 5
Ultra Ball 5
Rare Candy 1
TM80Shadow Ball 1


1st Challenge

  • Hiding spot of the Trick Master

  • Map of the puzzle room

  • Required move: Cut
  • Average trainer level: 19
  • Reward: TM62 (Taunt)
  • Cooldown: 1 day

The first challenge will have the player go through a forest maze, with Cut trees blocking the path. There are 3 scrolls in total, which are all placed into the visible Pokeballs, making them easy to find.

NPC Trainers

Trick House Room 1 Trainers

Lass Sally

Lv. 20

Youngster Eddie

Lv. 18
Lv. 18

Battle Girl Cora

Lv. 21

All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.

2nd Challenge

  • Hiding spot of the Trick Master

  • Map of the puzzle room

  • Required move: Rock Smash
  • Average trainer level: 33
  • Reward: 5 Great Balls
  • Cooldown: 1 day

At the very entrance, an NPC with the appearance of the Trick Master will be selling Escape Ropes for the price of 550 each. There however won’t be any need for them.

The second challenge will have the player go through a maze full of rocks, including Rock Smash rocks blocking the path. There are 3 scrolls in total, which are all placed into the visible Pokeballs, making them easy to find.

Note: When destroying a Rock Smash rock, a rock will appear underneath it. However, it can be walked through and can be noticed by its darker tone.

NPC Trainers

Trick House Room 2 Trainers

Blackbelt Yuji

Lv. 32
Lv. 33

School Kid Georgie

Lv. 30
Lv. 31

Pokemon Ranger Sebastian

Lv. 34
Lv. 34

Pokemon Ranger Sophia

Lv. 34
Lv. 34

All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.

3rd Challenge

  • Hiding spot of the Trick Master

  • Map of the puzzle room with displayed paths and hidden Scroll

  • Required move: None
  • Average trainer level: 44
  • Reward: 2 Rare Candies
  • Cooldown: 1 day

At the very entrance, an NPC with the appearance of the Trick Master will be selling Escape Ropes for the price of 550 each. There however won’t be any need for them.

The third challenge will have the player go through a maze with wooden roofs hiding the paths. The Trick Master is isolated from the main maze, and must be reached by stepping on the teleporter at the top.

This time, there are 4 Scrolls in total. 3 of them are inside the visible Pokeballs. The last one is hidden under the westmost wooden roof, as marked by the walkthrough.

NPC Trainers

Trick House Room 3 Trainers

Lass Robin

Lv. 42
Lv. 42

Ace Trainer Shiel

Lv. 45

Ace Trainer Pike

Lv. 45

School Kid Ted

Lv. 44

All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.

4th Challenge

  • Hiding spot of the Trick Master

  • Map of the puzzle room with displayed hidden Scrolls and real Trick Master

  • Required move: None
  • Average trainer level: 56
  • Reward: 10 Hyper Potions
  • Cooldown: 2 days

At the very entrance, an NPC with the appearance of the Trick Master will be selling Escape Ropes for the price of 550 each. There however won’t be any need for them.

The third challenge will happen in a rock maze with four Trick Masters. Only the top-left one is the real one, the three others will challenge the player. Sometimes, the path may not be obvious, so it is noteworthy to keep in mind that it’s possible to walk behind the large rocks.

There are 4 scrolls in total, which are all hidden on a small rock. They are located as following:

  • The rock immediately under the middle north tree.
  • The second closest small rock to the southmost tree on the east wall.
  • The two isolated rocks in a yin-yang pattern in the west side.

NPC Trainers

Trick House Room 4 Trainers

Trick Master

Lv. 54
Lv. 55

Trick Master

Lv. 58

Trick Master

Lv. 58

All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.

5th Challenge

  • Hiding spot of the Trick Master

  • Map of the puzzle room

  • Required move: Flash (optional)
  • Average trainer level: N/A
  • Reward: Magnet
  • Cooldown: 2 days

At the very entrance, an NPC with the appearance of the Trick Master will be selling Escape Ropes for the price of 550 each. There however won’t be any need for them.

This challenge is different from the other ones. Instead of trainers, there will be Mechadolls, who will ask a question to the player. Each Mechadoll has a pool of 3 questions, and which question it asks is randomized on each attempt. Failing a question returns the player to the entrance, and they can be reattempted without any cooldown. There are no scroll to find.

Mechadoll 1

  • Question: Trading is not allowed in these channels, except:
    • Answer: Trade
  • Question: One of these Pokemons is not a grass type. Which one is it?
    • Answer: Nincada
  • Question: What is the name of this game?
    • Answer: Pokemon Revolution Online

Mechadoll 2

  • Question: How many girls are in Pokemon Trainers School?
    • Answer: 2
  • Question: Which cost more, 3 Pokeballs or 1 Super Potion?
    • Answer: Super Potion
  • Question: Do one Full Heal and one Great Ball cost more than one Revive?
    • Answer: They will cost less

Mechadoll 3

  • Question: What is 14+23*2+1?
    • Answer: 61
  • Question: What is 32/(4*4)+(5*2)?
    • Answer: 12
  • Question: What is 2+(37-3)*3
    • Answer: 104

Mechadoll 4

  • Question: Which Pokemon has the fastest base speed? (Weavile, Starmie, Alakazam, Rayquaza)
    • Answer: Weavile
  • Question: Which Pokemon has the fastest base speed? (Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone)
    • Answer: Magneton
  • Question: Which Pokemon has the fastest base speed? (Gengar, Giratina, Alakazam, Rayquaza)
    • Answer: Alakazam

Mechadoll 5

  • Question: These following staff ranks are exist in PRO, except: (Game Master, Content Scripter, Mapper, Disciple)
    • Answer: Disciple
  • Question: How many minimum in game hours you need to be able to get the item Old Sea Map?
    • Answer: 225
  • Question: Shane’s player account name is:
    • Answer: Shane8th

6th+ Challenge

  • Hiding spot of the Trick Master

  • Map of the puzzle room with displayed tiles under roofs

  • Required move: None
  • Average trainer level: N/A
  • Reward: first time reward Houndoominite, then Randomized from the list below.
  • Cooldown: 3 days
Item Quantity
Hyper Potion 5
Max Potion 5
Ultra Ball 5
Rare Candy 1
TM80Shadow Ball 1

The 6th challenge is the final challenge, and every time the Trick Master is rechallenged afterwards, it will always be the 6th challenge. Only the riddle and the reward is randomized. The rest, including his hiding spot in the entrance, remain the same.

At the very entrance, an NPC with the appearance of the Trick Master will be selling Escape Ropes for the price of 550 each. There however won’t be any need for them.

For the second time in a row, there won’t be any trainer to battle. However, the room is one of the largest puzzles in the game. The room is divided into smaller rooms in a 7×6 grid pattern, and it will be necessary to step on tiles which will keep the player moving until he or she hits a wall. Some of the rooms are hidden under a roof, making it difficult to predict where the player will exit after entering it.

There are a total of 5 Scrolls, all of them being inside the visible Pokeballs. However, the Trick Master himself is hidden under a roof in the middle. Turning NPC Names on in the Game Settings is recommended for that reason.

1st Scroll

From the entrance,

  • Go east 2 rooms.
  • Pick up the Scroll.

2nd Scroll

From the 1st scroll,

  • Step on the right tile east.
  • Step on any up tile north.
  • Step on the left tile west.
  • Go directly north to exit the center roof.
  • Step on the right tile east.
  • Pick up the Scroll.

3rd Scroll

From the 2nd scroll,

  • Go south one room.
  • Step on the upper left tile west.
  • Move one tile north, then directly west to exit the center roof.
  • Go west 2 rooms.
  • Step on the rightmost up tile north.
  • Pick up the Scroll.

4th Scroll

From the 3rd scroll,

  • Step on the down tile south.
  • Step on the leftmost up tile north.
  • Pick up the Scroll.

5th Scroll

From the 4th scroll,

  • Step on the down tile south.
  • Step on the down tile south again.
  • Go south one room, then east 2 rooms.
  • Pick up the Scroll.

Trick Master

From the 5th scroll.

  • Go west one room.
  • Step on the up tile north.
  • Go west one room, north one room, then east 2 rooms.
  • Step on any right tile east.
  • Speak to the Trick Master adjacent north to where the player stopped.

Back door

From the Trick Master.

  • Move 1 tile east, then directly north to exit the center roof.
  • Step on the up tile north.
  • Examine the door.


After gathering all scrolls and speaking to the Trick Master, he will give a riddle. Failing the riddle returns the player to the entrance, however, it can be reattempted without any cooldown.

Here is the list of possible questions and their respective answers.

  • Question: Who is PRO Founder and Developer?
    • Answer: Shane.
  • Question: I really love rats, I’ve been travelling the whole world with only 1 species of Pokémon and its evolution. Who am I?
    • Answer: Joey.
      • Note: Youngster Joey is famous for his top percentage Rattata.
  • Question: I’m still just a kid, but with my vital spirit, I’ll master volt switch! Who am I?
    • Answer: Elekid.
      • Note: Vital spirit references Elekid‘s hidden ability by the same name, Vital Spirit.
  • Question: Flame of majesty, A legend undoubtedly, But with progeny. Who am I?
    • Answer: Arcanine.
      • Note: Arcanine‘s category name is ‘Legendary Pokémon’, and has also been depicted next to other legendaries in Episode 2 of the Pokémon anime.
  • Question: I’m dismally rare, or rather I used to be in six trendy squares.
    • Answer: Feebas
      • Note: This is making a reference to how Feebas was found in 3rd generation games. Only 6 tiles out of 436 water tiles contained Feebas, which would change randomly depending on how the player navigated his or her way to the river.
  • Question: I’m one of PRO staff, my favorite Pokémon is Magikarp and I really hate Gyarados. Who am I?
    • Answer: Chappy
      • Note: Chappy was the NPC with a blue name that made an appearance in Lake Of Rage and teased the player about the lack of shiny Gyarados.
  • Question: Which one is not a Dragon?
    • Answer: Charizard.
      • Note: Charizard is Fire and Flying type.
  • Question: I’m actually a female, but my gender could be male.
    • Answer: Gardevoir.
      • Note: Gardevoir can be any gender, only Gallade requires to be male to evolve into. However, despite Gardevoir‘s appearance, its Japanese name directly translates to ‘Sir Knight’.
  • Question: Dragon type Pokémon are weak to these following types, except:
    • Answer: Steel.
      • Note: Steel is only super effective against Rock, Ice and Fairy types.
  • Question: I was bound to a fissure in an odd keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago. I’m only weak to Fairy type Pokémon . Who am I?
    • Answer: Spiritomb.
      • Note: The first sentence is Spiritomb‘s Pokédex entry from Pearl, X, and Alpha Sapphire. It was also known as one of the two Pokémon without any weakness before the introduction of the Fairy type.
  • Question: I’m a Shadow Pokémon, and I’m immune to any kind of purifications. I possess a very great power that I became one of the Legendary Pokémon. Who am I?
    • Answer: XD001
      • Note: XD001 is a shadow Lugia, which is the main plot of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. Although it can actually be purified, it requires far more effort than other Shadow Pokémon.
  • Question: I’m smart and very vengeful. I can keep alive for 1000 years. Grabbing one of my tails could result in a 1000 years curse. Who am I?
    • Answer: Ninetales.
      • Note: Aside from Kyuubi and Kurama, which are both the same character in Naruto, only Ninetales is mentioned to be vengeful.
  • Question: I was Giovanni’s first, as shown in file 3. Who am I?
    • Answer: Charmander.