Tinted Lens (ability)

Tinted Lens is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.

Its inheritees are predominantly Bug-type Pokémon.


Tinted Eyes doubles the damage-output amount of any attacks that the target has a ½× (‘not very effective,’ dialogically speaking) type-resistance to; this effectively neutralizes attack-resistant types to a 1x-damage normality.

Inheritable Pokémon

Predominant ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
48 Venonat Bug Poison Compound Eyes Tinted Lens Run Away
49 Venomoth Bug Poison Shield Dust Tinted Lens Wonder Skin
314 Illumise Bug Oblivious Tinted Lens Prankster
469 Yanmega Bug Flying Speed Boost Tinted Lens Frisk

Hidden ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
12 Butterfree Bug Flying Compound Eyes Tinted Lens
163 Hoothoot Normal Flying Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens
164 Noctowl Normal Flying Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens
414 Mothim Bug Flying Swarm Tinted Lens
561 Sigilyph Psychic Flying Wonder Skin Magic Guard Tinted Lens