Thunder Fang

Thunder Fang



Statistical Attributes

Base Power




Thunder Fang is an Electric-type damage-dealing move.


Thunder Fang inflicts damage with a 10%-chance secondary effect of paralyzing or flinching the opponent.

It is the Electric-type homologue of the triadic fang attacks, complementing Fire Fang and Ice Fang.



No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
024 Arbok Poison 1
059 Arcanine Fire 1
135 Jolteon Electric 20
142 Aerodactyl Rock Flying 1
208 Steelix Steel Ground 1
209 Snubbull Fairy 1
210 Granbull Fairy 1
229 Houndoom Dark Fire 1
232 Donphan Ground 1
243 Raikou Electric 50
248 Tyranitar Rock Dark 1
295 Exploud Normal 1
309 Electrike Electric 19
310 Manectric Electric 19
373 Salamence Dragon Flying 1
403 Shinx Electric 29
404 Luxio Electric 33
405 Luxray Electric 35
450 Hippowdon Ground 1
452 Drapion Poison Dark 1
472 Gliscor Ground Flying 1
508 Stoutland Normal 1
644 Zekrom Dragon Electric 1

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Egg Moves

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
111 Rhyhorn Ground Rock
112 Rhydon Ground Rock
209 Snubbull Fairy
210 Granbull Fairy
228 Houndour Dark Fire
229 Houndoom Dark Fire
261 Poochyena Dark
262 Mightyena Dark
303 Mawile Steel Fairy
309 Electrike Electric
310 Manectric Electric
403 Shinx Electric
404 Luxio Electric
405 Luxray Electric
464 Rhyperior Ground Rock
506 Lillipup Normal
507 Herdier Normal
508 Stoutland Normal
551 Sandile Ground Dark
552 Krokorok Ground Dark
553 Krookodile Ground Dark
621 Druddigon Dragon
632 Durant Bug Steel
633 Deino Dark Dragon
696 Tyrunt Rock Dragon
697 Tyrantrum Rock Dragon

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.