Technician (ability)

Technician is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.


Technician will increase power of moves with 60 base power or less by 50%.

Inheritable Pokémon

Predominant ability


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
424 Ambipom Normal Technician Pickup Skill Link
802 Marshadow Fighting Ghost Technician


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
52 Meowth Normal Pickup Technician Unnerve
52A Alolan Meowth Dark Pickup Technician Rattled
53 Persian Normal Limber Technician Unnerve
53A Alolan Persian Dark Fur Coat Technician Rattled
123 Scyther Bug Flying Swarm Technician Steadfast
212 Scizor Bug Steel Swarm Technician Light Metal
235 Smeargle Normal Own Tempo Technician Moody
237 Hitmontop Fighting Intimidate Technician Steadfast
572 Minccino Normal Cute Charm Technician Skill Link
573 Cinccino Normal Cute Charm Technician Skill Link

Mega Pokémon

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
212 Mega Scizor Bug Steel

Hidden ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
122 Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy Soundproof Filter Technician
286 Breloom Grass Fighting Effect Spore Poison Heal Technician
402 Kricketune Bug Swarm Technician
407 Roserade Grass Poison Natural Cure Poison Point Technician
439 Mime Jr. Psychic Fairy Soundproof Filter Technician