



Statistical Attributes

Base Power



Move tutor
  • Route 218 for 12,000

Synthesis is a Grass type, Status move. It restores the users HP based on the weather. In harsh sunlight, it will restore 2/3 of the user total HP, in other weather conditions it will restore 1/4 of the users total HP. If there is no weather, it will restore 1/2 of the users HP.


Level Up

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
001 Bulbasaur Grass Poison 33
002 Ivysaur Grass Poison 39
003 Venusaur Grass Poison 45
152 Chikorita Grass 12
153 Bayleef Grass 12
154 Meganium Grass 12
187 Hoppip Grass Flying 4
188 Skiploom Grass Flying 4
189 Jumpluff Grass Flying 4
191 Sunkern Grass 28
273 Seedot Grass 21
315 Roselia Grass Poison 46
357 Tropius Grass Flying 50
387 Turtwig Grass 33
388 Grotle Grass 37
389 Torterra Grass Ground 39
470 Leafeon Grass 33
492 Shaymin Grass 28
548 Petilil Grass 17
549 Lilligant Grass 1
556 Maractus Grass 15
590 Foongus Grass Poison 35
591 Amoonguss Grass Poison 35
672 Skiddo Grass 20
673 Gogoat Grass 20

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Egg Moves

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
043 Oddish Grass Poison
044 Gloom Grass Poison
045 Vileplume Grass Poison
069 Bellsprout Grass Poison
070 Weepinbell Grass Poison
071 Victreebel Grass Poison
102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103 Exeggutor Grass Psychic
103A Alolan Exeggutor Grass Dragon
182 Bellossom Grass
252 Treecko Grass
253 Grovyle Grass
254 Sceptile Grass
270 Lotad Water Grass
271 Lombre Water Grass
272 Ludicolo Water Grass
315 Roselia Grass Poison
357 Tropius Grass Flying
406 Budew Grass Poison
407 Roserade Grass Poison
455 Carnivine Grass
585 Deerling Normal Grass
586 Sawsbuck Normal Grass
650 Chespin Grass
651 Quilladin Grass
652 Chesnaught Grass Fighting

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Move Tutor

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
001 Bulbasaur Grass Poison
002 Ivysaur Grass Poison
003 Venusaur Grass Poison
043 Oddish Grass Poison
044 Gloom Grass Poison
045 Vileplume Grass Poison
046 Paras Bug Grass
047 Parasect Bug Grass
069 Bellsprout Grass Poison
070 Weepinbell Grass Poison
071 Victreebel Grass Poison
102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103 Exeggutor Grass Psychic
103A Alolan Exeggutor Grass Dragon
114 Tangela Grass
151 Mew Psychic
152 Chikorita Grass
153 Bayleef Grass
154 Meganium Grass
182 Bellossom Grass
187 Hoppip Grass Flying
188 Skiploom Grass Flying
189 Jumpluff Grass Flying
191 Sunkern Grass
192 Sunflora Grass
251 Celebi Grass Psychic
252 Treecko Grass
253 Grovyle Grass
254 Sceptile Grass
270 Lotad Water Grass
271 Lombre Water Grass
272 Ludicolo Water Grass
273 Seedot Grass
274 Nuzleaf Grass Dark
275 Shiftry Grass Dark
285 Shroomish Grass
286 Breloom Grass Fighting
315 Roselia Grass Poison
331 Cacnea Grass
332 Cacturne Grass Dark
345 Lileep Rock Grass
346 Cradily Rock Grass
357 Tropius Grass Flying
387 Turtwig Grass
388 Grotle Grass
389 Torterra Grass Ground
406 Budew Grass Poison
407 Roserade Grass Poison
413 Wormadam-Plant Bug Grass
420 Cherubi Grass
421 Cherrim Grass
455 Carnivine Grass
459 Snover Grass Ice
460 Abomasnow Grass Ice
465 Tangrowth Grass
470 Leafeon Grass
492 Shaymin Grass
492A Shaymin-Sky Grass Flying
495 Snivy Grass
496 Servine Grass
497 Serperior Grass
511 Pansage Grass
512 Simisage Grass
540 Sewaddle Bug Grass
541 Swadloon Bug Grass
542 Leavanny Bug Grass
548 Petilil Grass
549 Lilligant Grass
556 Maractus Grass
585 Deerling Normal Grass
586 Sawsbuck Normal Grass
590 Foongus Grass Poison
591 Amoonguss Grass Poison
650 Chespin Grass
651 Quilladin Grass
652 Chesnaught Grass Fighting
669 Flabebe Fairy
670 Floette Fairy
671 Florges Fairy
672 Skiddo Grass
673 Gogoat Grass
710 Pumpkaboo Ghost Grass
711 Gourgeist Ghost Grass

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.