Sleep Talk

Sleep Talk



Statistical Attributes

Base Power



  • Celadon Department Store for 7,000
  • Goldenrod Department Store for 7,000
  • Lilycove Department Store 3F for 7,000
  • Veilstone Department Store for 7,000
  • Found in Route 205

Sleep Talk is a non-damaging Normal-type move.


Sleep Talk can only be used while the user is asleep and will fail if the user is not. Sleep Talk randomly chooses one of the user’s moves other than Sleep Talk itself and uses it. PP will be deducted from Sleep Talk only, which means that it can be used to execute moves that have no PP left. If Rest is called, the user will regain HP normally.

Because Sleep Talk has normal move priority, a move with higher or lower priority may not be executed when it normally would. For instance, Sleep Talk may cause Quick Attack to be used after a normal priority move or Vital Throw to be used before a normal priority move.

If Sleep Talk calls Metronome or Mirror Move and thus in turn calls a two-turn move, the move will fail.


Level Up

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
143 Snorlax Normal 33
293 Whismur Normal 36
294 Loudred Normal 41
295 Exploud Normal 42

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Egg Moves

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
039 Jigglypuff Normal Fairy
040 Wigglytuff Normal Fairy
054 Psyduck Water
055 Golduck Water
056 Mankey Fighting
057 Primeape Fighting
079 Slowpoke Water Psychic
080 Slowbro Water Psychic
086 Seel Water
087 Dewgong Water Ice
108 Lickitung Normal
118 Goldeen Water
119 Seaking Water
131 Lapras Water Ice
174 Igglybuff Normal Fairy
194 Wooper Water Ground
195 Quagsire Water Ground
206 Dunsparce Normal
216 Teddiursa Normal
217 Ursaring Normal
241 Miltank Normal
261 Poochyena Dark
262 Mightyena Dark
263 Zigzagoon Normal
264 Linoone Normal
287 Slakoth Normal
288 Vigoroth Normal
289 Slaking Normal
320 Wailmer Water
321 Wailord Water
324 Torkoal Fire
363 Spheal Ice Water
364 Sealeo Ice Water
365 Walrein Ice Water
369 Relicanth Water Rock
399 Bidoof Normal
400 Bibarel Normal Water
441 Chatot Normal Flying
449 Hippopotas Ground
450 Hippowdon Ground
498 Tepig Fire
499 Pignite Fire Fighting
500 Emboar Fire Fighting
513 Pansear Fire
514 Simisear Fire
517 Munna Psychic
518 Musharna Psychic
531 Audino Normal
535 Tympole Water
536 Palpitoad Water Ground
537 Seismitoad Water Ground
554 Darumaka Fire
555 Darmanitan Fire
572 Minccino Normal
573 Cinccino Normal
585 Deerling Normal Grass
586 Sawsbuck Normal Grass
613 Cubchoo Ice
614 Beartic Ice
618 Stunfisk Ground Electric
631 Heatmor Fire

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.


All Pokémon able to learn TMs are able to learn Sleep Talk, except Burmy, Kricketot, Spewpa, Tynamo, Unown, Wobbuffet, and Wynaut.