Pokémon counterparts are specially colorated versions of Pokémon that are adventitiously encountered in the wild and—more conservatively so—obtained from Pokémon-giving NPCs.
Compared to other Pokémon MMOs, Pokémon Revolution Online is not multitudinously diversified in the array of special counterparts available; aside from the traditional shiny counterparts, special counterparts are more commonly obtainable as temporary event-thematic Pokémon than any regularly encounterable counterpart of wild Pokémon. Moreover, they do not bear any inherent statistical enhancements; they merely have an aesthetic distinction from their regular counterparts.
Shiny Pokémon are also the only special counterpart that each Pokémon has a version of; event-temporary ones are tailored to a specific assortment of Pokémon, as outlined below.
Shiny Pokémon

Golem‘s shiny-counterpart sprite in the Pokémon-card overlay.
In addition to their distinctive coloration, shiny Pokémon are also identifiable by the golden S emblem; see the image to the right for a pictorial illustration.
Wild Encounters
For wild-Pokémon encounters, their odds are fractionally identical to those in the handheld games at 1/8192 (0.01220703125%).
When hotlinked in the chat, their link is purple-colored to differentiate it from their regular counterparts; for example, a shiny Pikachu would appear as when hotlinked.
Any wild-Pokémon battle initiated by an NPC script will not have a shiny chance; this includes even catchable Pokémon encountered via Headbutt Trees, Diggable Patches, Excavation Sites, and overworld-interactable Pokémon (such as the occlusive Snorlax on Route 12).
NPC-Given Pokémon
While the wild-battle-initiator used by NPC scripts has no shininess chance, Pokémon that are directly given by NPCs can still have chances if the RNGs are configured within the scripts for it; examples include fossilized Pokémon regenerated by the fossil-reanimators, some boss-prize Pokémon, and abandoned Pokémon.
Because these Pokémon are given much more infrequently than wild Pokémon are encountered, they tend to have varyingly lower shiny-chance odds than the standard 1/8192 rate of wild Pokémon.
Legendary Pokémon
Contemporaneously, all of the obtainable legendary Pokémon are shiny locked. Thus, legendary Pokémon would not be viewable in their shiny forms.
Pink Pokémon
Main article: Pinkan Island
With the advent of Pinkan Island—one of the Orange Islands that was released as a standalone content addition—a bevy of Pokémon were pinkified new counterparts as a nod to those who inhabited the aforementioned area in the anime.
Every Pokémon inhabitant on the island and evolutions thereof has a pink counterpart; there is a 1/1,500 chance of encountering them in the wild. All of such inhabitants are assorted in the collage below, among a few others that have not yet been made huntable.
Nidoran Female
Nidoran Male
Event-Temporary Pokémon
Occasionally, specially themed counterparts have been made available for Pokémon to help saturate event-exclusive Pokémon—typically for a select assortment of Pokémon that tally to the nature of the event. While they have never been made encounterable outside of the event, all Pokémon obtained during them were retainable by the players and thus those that remained in circulation were considered collectible commodities among traders.
Do note that these versions have no shiny-counterpart versions; shininess is a discrete chance from these versions in the RNG calculations and thus they are mutually exclusive.
Christmas-themed Pokémon
For the 2016 Christmas Event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for a select bevy of Pokémon. There was a 1/750 chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild. In addition to the gamut of previous-year counterparts, a new batch of them was added to the spriteset for the 2017 Christmas Event.
All of the these Pokémon and their Christmas-themed sprites are shown in the alphabetized collage below.
Pre-2018 Christmas
Christmas Pikachu
Christmas Raichu
Christmas Sandshrew
Christmas Sandslash
Christmas Farfetch’d
Christmas Sentret
Christmas Furret
Christmas Stantler (2016)
Christmas Stantler (2017)
Christmas Skitty
Christmas Delcatty
Christmas Swablu
Christmas Altaria
Christmas Arceus
Christmas Event 2018
During Christmas 2018, a total of 9 Pokémon families were given a Christmas counterpart while certain other Pokémon were not made available as Christmas Pokémon again. The chances to find one were 1/1000. Additionally, Christmas themed Manaphy was a reward from the main quest that year.
Christmas Vulpix
Christmas Ninetales
Christmas Eevee
Christmas Vaporeon
Christmas Jolteon
Christmas Flareon
Christmas Espeon
Christmas Umbreon
Christmas Leafeon
Christmas Glaceon
Christmas Sylveon
Christmas Dratini
Christmas Dragonair
Christmas Dragonite
Christmas Mareep
Christmas Flaaffy
Christmas Ampharos
Christmas Treecko
Christmas Grovyle
Christmas Sceptile
Christmas Torchic
Christmas Combusken
Christmas Blaziken
Christmas Mudkip
Christmas Marshtomp
Christmas Swampert
Christmas Ralts
Christmas Kirlia
Christmas Gardevoir
Christmas Gallade
Christmas Snorunt
Christmas Glalie
Christmas Froslass
Christmas Manaphy
Christmas Litwick
Christmas Lampent
Christmas Chandelure
Christmas Axew
Christmas Fraxure
Christmas Haxorus
Christmas Dedenne
Christmas Event 2019
During Christmas 2019, a total of 7 Pokémon families were given a Christmas counterpart and 5 Pokémon family’s sprites were reworked. Those being: Riolu, Munchlax, Buneary, Snover, Teddiursa, and all their evolutions. The Christmas form chance was 1/750. Additionally, a Christmas themed version of Kyurem was obtainable by completing the main quest that year.
Christmas Psyduck
Christmas Golduck
Christmas Tentacool
Christmas Tentacruel
Christmas Munchlax 2019
Christmas Snorlax 2019
Christmas Smoochum
Christmas Jynx
Christmas Elekid
Christmas Electabuzz
Christmas Electivire
Christmas Magby
Christmas Magmar
Christmas Magmortar
Christmas Teddiursa 2019
Christmas Ursaring 2019
Christmas Houndour
Christmas Houndoom
Christmas Azurill
Christmas Marill
Christmas Azumarill
Christmas Sableye
Christmas Buneary 2019
Christmas Lopunny 2019
Christmas Riolu 2019
Christmas Lucario 2019
Christmas Snover 2019
Christmas Abomasnow 2019
Christmas Kyurem
Christmas Event 2020
During Christmas 2020, 2 new Pokémon families were given a Christmas counterpart Ferroseed, Numel, and their evolutions. The Christmas form chance was not revealed.
Christmas Numel
Christmas Camerupt
Christmas Ferroseed
Christmas Ferrothorn
Christmas Event 2024
During Christmas 2024, several Pokémon families were given a Christmas counterparts, along with the rework of Christmas Sableye. The Christmas form chance was not revealed.
Christmas Staryu
Christmas Starmie
Christmas Spheal
Christmas Sealeo
Christmas Walrein
Christmas Smeargle
Christmas Mawile
Christmas Sableye 2024
Christmas Pachirisu
Christmas Emolga
Christmas Cottonee
Christmas Whimsicott
Christmas Lillipup
Christmas Herdier
Christmas Stoutland
Christmas Deerling
Christmas Sawsbuck
Christmas Petilil
Christmas Lilligant
Christmas Cubchoo
Christmas Beartic
Christmas Reshiram
Christmas Zekrom
Christmas Goomy
Christmas Sliggoo
Christmas Goodra
Halloween-themed Pokémon
Halloween Event 2017
On October 18th, 2017, Halloween-themed counterparts of Pikachu and Raichu were ushered in for the contemporaneous Halloween event, randomized at a 1/20 (5%) rate of huntability. Darkrai was also first made available this year.
Halloween Pikachu
Halloween Raichu
Halloween Darkrai
Halloween Event 2018
During 2018’s Halloween, all three Kanto starters were also given an Halloween counterpart.
Halloween Bulbasaur
Halloween Ivysaur
Halloween Venusaur
Halloween Charmander
Halloween Charmeleon
Halloween Charizard
Halloween Squirtle
Halloween Wartortle
Halloween Blastoise
Halloween Event 2019
On October 22nd, 2019 new Halloween sprites were released mainly focusing on the Kalos starters, as well as a few other Pokémon. Additionally, we were able to catch previous Halloween themed counterparts. The rate to catch the forms this year was 1/50 (0.02%). Darkrai returned this year, with an unprecedented two forms. The original form was given to those who completed the quest, however, those who had previously caught Darkrai in 2017 were given the choice for the Pumpkin Form.
Halloween Ponyta
Halloween Rapidash
Halloween Togepi
Halloween Togetic
Halloween Togekiss
Halloween Sneasel
Halloween Weavile
Halloween Larvitar
Halloween Pupitar
Halloween Tyranitar
Halloween Ralts
Halloween Kirlia
Halloween Gardevoir
Halloween Gallade
Halloween Torkoal
Halloween Darkrai
Halloween Darkrai
Halloween Chespin
Halloween Quilladin
Halloween Chesnaught
Halloween Fennekin
Halloween Braixen
Halloween Delphox
Halloween Froakie
Halloween Frogadier
Halloween Greninja
Halloween Event 2020
More Halloween-themed Pokémon were released in 2020, mainly focusing on the Johto starters. Additionally, forms from previous years could be hunted again.
Halloween Gastly
Halloween Haunter
Halloween Gengar
Halloween Chikorita
Halloween Bayleef
Halloween Meganium
Halloween Cyndaquil
Halloween Quilava
Halloween Typhlosion
Halloween Totodile
Halloween Croconaw
Halloween Feraligatr
Halloween Seedot
Halloween Nuzleaf
Halloween Shiftry
Halloween Gible
Halloween Gabite
Halloween Garchomp
Halloween Event 2024
With the advent of 2024’s event, new Halloween counterparts featured Growlithe, Arcanine, Koffing, Weezing, and Absol.
Halloween Growlithe
Halloween Arcanine
Halloween Koffing
Halloween Weezing
Halloween Absol
Starter Clones
In August of 2016, starter-clone counterparts were introduced for each Pokémon in the evolutionary line of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle as an anniversary-commemoratory event—approximately one year removed from its release into the Beta stage on August 14, 2016. While the event was abruptly discontinued later that month due to various technical difficulties, it was reintroduced on November 14, 2016, as a consolatory event due to the Halloween event’s cancellation that year.
Clone Pokémon are colorated in accordance to those that were created and deployed in the Pokémon: The First Movie — Mewtwo Strikes Back.
There was a 1/20 (5%) chance of encountering these counterparts of wild starter Pokémon. Do note that this is not applicable to starter Pokémon given to regional newcomers in the lab; they have no special-counterpart chances altogether. Nowadays, Clone Pokémon are bundled into the Halloween event.
Clone Bulbasaur
Clone Ivysaur
Clone Venusaur
Clone Charmander
Clone Charmeleon
Clone Charizard
Clone Squirtle
Clone Wartortle
Clone Blastoise
Valentine’s Day-themed Pokémon
Valentine’s Day Event 2018
For the 2018 Valentine’s Day event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for Nidoran Male, Nidoran Female, Illumise and Volbeat. There was a 1/550 chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild.
Valentine Nidoran Female
Valentine Nidorina
Valentine Nidoqueen
Valentine Nidoran Male
Valentine Nidorino
Valentine Nidoking
Valentine Illumise
Valentine Volbeat
Valentine’s Day Event 2019
For the 2019 Valentine’s Day Event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for Alomomola, Frillish, Jellicent, Luvdisc, Minun, Plusle, Sawk, Throh, Budew, Roselia and Roserade. There was a 1/550 chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild.
Valentine Pikachu
Valentine Raichu
Valentine Spearow
Valentine Fearow
Valentine Plusle
Valentine Minun
Valentine Luvdisc
Valentine Budew
Valentine Roselia
Valentine Roserade
Valentine Throh
Valentine Throh
Valentine Throh
Valentine Sawk
Valentine Sawk
Valentine Sawk
Valentine Alomomola
Valentine Frillish Female
Valentine Jellicent Female
Valentine Frillish Male
Valentine Jellicent Male
Valentine’s Day Event 2020
For the 2020 Valentine’s Day event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for Cleffa, Clefairy and Clefable and the other Valentine’s Day sprites from previous years were also hunable. The chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild was not revealed.
Valentine Cleffa
Valentine Clefairy
Valentine Clefable
Valentine’s Day Event 2024
For the 2024 Valentine’s Day event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for 25 different Pokémon and the other Valentine’s Day sprites from previous years were also huntable. The chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild was not revealed.
Valentine Vulpix
Valentine Ninetales
Valentine Alolan Vulpix
Valentine Alolan Ninetales
Valentine Poliwag
Valentine Poliwhirl
Valentine Poliwrath
Valentine Politoed
Valentine Slowpoke
Valentine Slowbro
Valentine Seel
Valentine Dewgong
Valentine Lapras
Valentine Slowking
Valentine Lotad
Valentine Lombre
Valentine Ludicolo
Valentine Bagon
Valentine Shelgon
Valentine Salamence
Valentine Drifloon
Valentine Drifblim
Valentine Komala
Valentine’s Day Event 2024
2022’s batch of new Valentine’s-themed Pokémon included 26 new forms of the Ralts family (including Kirlia, Gallade, Gardevoir, and Mega Evolutions thereof), which were altered by what Pokéballs the trainer used to capture it.
Valentine Snivy
Valentine Servine
Valentine Serperior
Valentine Shuckle
Valentine Magnemite
Valentine Magneton
Valentine Magnezone
Valentine Corsola
Valentine Chinchou
Valentine Lanturn
Valentine Bidoof
Valentine Bibarel
Valentine Ralts
Valentine Kirlia
Valentine Gallade
Valentine Gardevoir
Easter-themed Pokémon
Easter Event 2018
For the 2018 Easter Event, specially accessorized and/or colorated forms of Togepi, Togetic, and Togekiss were pioneered. There was a 1/550 chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild.
Easter Event 2019
For the 2019 Easter Event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for Exeggcute, Kangaskhan, Azurill, Feebas, Munchlax, Larvesta and their evolutions. There was a 1/550 chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild, as well as the Togepi Easter forms released in 2018.
Easter Exeggcute
Easter Exeggutor
Easter Kangaskhan
Easter Munchlax
Easter Snorlax
Easter Azurill
Easter Marill
Easter Azumarill
Easter Feebas
Easter Milotic
Easter Larvesta
Easter Volcarona
Easter Event 2020
For the 2020 Easter event, Happiny, Bunnelby, and their evolutions were given specially accessorized and/or colorized forms. There was a 1/550 chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild. Additionally, any Pokémon which had an Easter form in previous years was also made available to hunt. Furthermore, Shaymin and it’s Sky-form were given event forms. This was obtainable via completing the Easter Quest that year.
Easter Happiny
Easter Chansey
Easter Blissey
Easter Bunnelby
Easter Diggersby
Easter Shaymim
Easter Shaymim Sky Form
Easter Event 2024
For the 2024 Easter event, Bellsprout, Wooper, Mantyke, and their evolutions were given specially accessorized and/or colorized forms. Additionally, Diancie received several Easter forms.
Any Pokémon which had an Easter form in previous years was also made available to hunt.
Easter Bellsprout
Easter Weepinbell
Easter Victreebel
Easter Wooper
Easter Quagsire
Easter Mantine
Easter Mantyke
Easter Diancie Amber
Easter Diancie Aquamarine
Easter Diancie Emerald
Easter Diancie Ruby
Easter Diancie Quartz
Easter Event 2024
For the 2024 Easter event, the Generation 4 starters Piplup, Turtwig, Chimchar, and their evolutions were given specially accessorized and/or colorized forms.
Any Pokémon which had an Easter form in previous years was also made available to hunt.
Easter Piplup
Easter Prinplup
Easter Empoleon
Easter Chimchar
Easter Monferno
Easter Infernape
Easter Turtwig
Easter Grotle
Easter Torterra
May 4th Event
During May 2019, Darth Vader-looking versions of Pawniard and Bisharp were released. They were released on May 4th as a commemoration to the famous Star Wars quote ‘May the force be with you.’ They were released for a limited amount of time.
Darth Pawniard
Darth Bisharp
May 4th 2024 saw the addition of Machop, Machoke, and Machamp wielding their own lightsabers, with Machamp resembling General Grievous. Meditite and Medicham, along with its mega, also saw their own sprite added, looking like Yoda. The last family added was Grimer and Muk, who look like Jabba the Hutt. These forms were released for a limited time.
Grievous Machop
Grievous Machoke
Grievous Machamp
Jabba the Grimer
Jabba the Muk
Yoda Meditite
Yoda Medicham
Summer-themed Pokémon
Summer Event 2020
During 2020’s summer event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for the Unova Starters, along with a few other Pokémon. The chance for these Pokémon were not revealed. Additionally, a summer form for Volcanion was released and obtainable by completing the quest that year.
Summer Horsea
Summer Seadra
Summer Kingdra
Summer Wingull
Summer Pelipper
Summer Gible
Summer Gabite
Summer Garchomp
Summer Snivy
Summer Servine
Summer Serperior
Summer Tepig
Summer Pignite
Summer Emboar
Summer Oshawott
Summer Dewott
Summer Samurott
Summer Volcanion
Summer Event 2024
During 2024’s summer event, specially accessorized and/or colorated Pokémon versions were released for Squirtle, Darumaka, and their evolutions. Along with these counterparts, summer themed versions were released for Latios and Latias as a reward for having completed the Summer 2024 Quest in Alto Mare. The chances for these Pokémon were not revealed.
Summer Darumaka
Summer Darmanitan
Summer Squirtle
Summer Wartortle
Summer Blastoise
Summer Latias
Summer Latios
Pikachu World Quest event form
During the 2020 Christmas event, 2 World Quests were held which required the user to hunt Pikachu. During this sub-event Pikachu received 12 new huntable forms.
During the 2024 Christmas event, the same 12 Pikachu forms were released for a pair of World Quests.