Sendoff Spring

Sendoff Spring — Sinnoh




A positional vantage point of Sendoff Spring in Sinnoh.

Land Pokémon

Average levels
Extremely Rares

Water Pokémon

Average levels
Extremely Rares

Adjacent areas

Route 214 Sendoff Spring

Sendoff Spring is a Sinnoh area located east of Route 214. It is unaccessible until the player completes the Distortion World, after what he or she will appear in the middle of it. While the Spring does not have much to offer, its wild Pokémons are very high level, making it an excellent place for leveling.

Notable miscellanies

Dazzling Gleam Tutor

A Move Tutor for the move Dazzling Gleam can be found in the north-west of the spring. She will teach the move to any compatible Pokémon for the price of 15,000.

Wild Pokémon


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Bibarel 53-57 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Chimecho 53-57 Morning Day Night Rare
Chingling 53-57 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Dusclops 53-57 Morning Day Night Reaper Cloth Rare
Golbat 53-57 Morning Day Night Common
Golduck 53-57 Morning Day Night Common
Graveler 53-57 Morning Day Night Common
Munchlax 53-57 Morning Day Night Leftovers Rare
Noctowl 53-57 Morning Day Night Common
Staravia 53-57 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Togetic 40-45 Morning Day Night Rare
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rod Rarity Tier
Goldeen 40-44 Morning Day Night Common
Gyarados 40-44 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Magikarp 40-44 Morning Day Night Common
Poliwhirl 40-44 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Seaking 40-44 Morning Day Night Uncommon
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick

Headbuttable Trees

Pokémon Levels Rarity Tier
Starly 53-57 Common
Kricketot 53-57 Common
Cherubi 53-57 Common
Bidoof 53-57 Common
Chatot 53-57 Uncommon
Joltik 53-57 Rare