Sand Veil (ability)

Sand Veil is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.


While a sandstorm is occurrent, the accuracy of any moves used against the possessor will be multiplicatively reduced by 80%; the only exceptions are non-missable moves, such as Aura Sphere.

The possessor will be immunized from any damage from the sandstorm that it would have sustained otherwise.

Outside of battle

This ability is not coded outside of battle.


Predominant ability


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
27 Sandshrew Ground Sand Veil Sand Rush
28 Sandslash Ground Sand Veil Sand Rush
50 Diglett Ground Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
50A Alolan Diglett Ground Steel Sand Veil Tangling Hair Sand Force
51 Dugtrio Ground Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
51A Alolan Dugtrio Ground Steel Sand Veil Tangling Hair Sand Force
331 Cacnea Grass Sand Veil Water Absorb
332 Cacturne Grass Dark Sand Veil Water Absorb
443 Gible Dragon Ground Sand Veil Rough Skin
444 Gabite Dragon Ground Sand Veil Rough Skin
445 Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand Veil Rough Skin


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
207 Gligar Ground Flying Hyper Cutter Sand Veil Immunity
472 Gliscor Ground Flying Hyper Cutter Sand Veil Poison Heal
694 Helioptile Electric Normal Dry Skin Sand Veil Solar Power
695 Heliolisk Electric Normal Dry Skin Sand Veil Solar Power

Hidden ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
74 Geodude Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
75 Graveler Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
76 Golem Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
231 Phanpy Ground Pickup Sand Veil
232 Donphan Ground Sturdy Sand Veil
246 Larvitar Rock Ground Guts Sand Veil
618 Stunfisk Ground Electric Static Limber Sand Veil
769 Sandygast Ghost Ground Water Compaction Sand Veil
770 Palossand Ghost Ground Water Compaction Sand Veil