← Route 116 |
Pokémon Revolution Online Route |
Route 118 → |
Route 117 — Hoenn |
400px |
Land Pokémon
Average levels
Extremely Rares
Water Pokémon
Average levels
Extremely Rares
Battleable NPCs
Ground-lootable items
Berry trees
Adjacent areas
↑ |
← Verdanturf Town |
Route 117 |
Mauville City → |
↓ |
Route 117 is a Hoenn route linking Mauville City to Verdanturf Town. Although the route’s purpose is mostly just as part of a shortcut back to Rustboro City, the region’s Daycare Center has been built on this route, making it plenty worthwhile to visit after it has been unlocked.
Another Master Ball makes an appearance on the route, and just like other Master Balls, it is purposedly placed in an unobtainable location as a troll.
Notable miscellanies
Rachel’s Friends Quest (Tukul)
Two of the locations the second friend of Rachel can be found at are in the north-west corner behind the Masterball, which will require Cut, and the other being west of the southern pond. He will trade the player’s Potion for a Pokeball.
The next friend to find will be Kylo, who can be found in one of the buildings of Mauville City.
Daycare Center
Main article: Daycare Center
There is a Daycare Center built in the north-east of the route. Although may not be opened the first time the route is visited depending on if the quest has been completed before starting the Hoenn region, it will become a useful location after it has been unlocked. See the main article for more information.
Abandoned Pokémon
An Abandoned Pokémon can be found inside the northern pond, which will require Surf to reach. Picking up the blue pokeball will provide the player with a level 5 Marill.
Pokédex Number |
Pokémon |
Type 1 |
Type 2 |
Rarity Tier |
Held Item |
#183 |
Marill |
Water |
Fairy |
Common |
Honey Tree
Main article: Honey Tree
The Honey Tree in Route 117 is located in the north-west corner of the route. By spreading Honey onto the tree, a random wild Pokemon will appear, and the tree will enter a cooldown of 24 hours. This Honey Tree is categorized as a Grass tree; spreading Honey to multiple Grass Honey Trees in a row will reward with stronger Grass type Pokemon.
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rarity Tier |
Illumise |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Marill |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Oddish |
13-16 |
Night |
Common |
Poochyena |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Pecha Berry |
Common |
Roselia |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Poison Barb |
Uncommon |
Seedot |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Surskit |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Togepi |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Tympole |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Volbeat |
13-16 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
- Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rod |
Rarity Tier |
Azumarill |
20-30 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Goldeen |
20-30 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Marill |
20-30 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Masquerain |
20-30 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
Surskit |
20-30 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Uncommon |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
- Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rod |
Rarity Tier |
Corphish |
30-35 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Crawdaunt |
35-40 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Magikarp |
10-15 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area.
- All Pokémon tabulated here can only be encountered via fishing; they are not Surf-encounterable.
Item |
Quantity |
Cooldown |
Location |
Great Ball |
1-3 |
8 days |
North of the north-western entrance, inside the fenced area. Requires Cut. |
Revive |
1-2 |
9 days |
North of the north-western entrance, above the fenced area. Requires Cut. |
Repel |
3 |
13 days |
Hidden item. On the tree in the south end of the south-western fences. |
NPC Trainers