Pokémon Revolution Online Route |
Route 2 → |
Route 1 — Kanto |

A positional vantage point of Route 1 in Kanto.
Land Pokémon
Average levels
Extremely Rares
Battleable NPCs
Ground-lootable items
Berry trees
Adjacent areas
↑ Viridian City |
← |
Route 1 |
→ |
Pallet Town ↓ |
Route 1 is a Kanto route that’s interlocated between Pallet Town and Viridian City.
As the route northward of Pallet Town, this will impassably be the first route that players travel onto and the first exterior map, since they invariably embark on their journey in Pallet Town. Since it has inhabited by the lowest-leveled land-oriented Pokémon spawns out of all Kanto areas, it is recommendable to start Pokémon-training on for most Pokémon that newer players may obtain nearby.
Wild Pokémon
Times |
HP |
Atk |
Def |
SpAtk |
SpDef |
Speed |
Morning |
0 |
0.72 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.32 |
Day |
0 |
0.86 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.19 |
Values denote the estimated average EV points gained per fight. |
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rarity Tier |
Furret |
2-6 |
Morning |
Day |
Oran Berry |
Uncommon |
Hoothoot |
2-6 |
Night |
Common |
Pidgey |
2-6 |
Morning |
Day |
Common |
Rattata |
2-6 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rattata Hair |
Common |
Sentret |
2-6 |
Morning |
Day |
Oran Berry |
Common |
Shinx |
2-6 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Rare |
Spinarak |
2-6 |
Morning |
Night |
Common |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
- Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Headbuttable Trees
Pokémon |
Levels |
Rarity Tier |
Rattata |
2-6 |
Common |
Silcoon |
2-6 |
Common |
Caterpie |
2-6 |
Common |
Ekans |
2-6 |
Common |
Beedrill |
2-6 |
Uncommon |
Pinsir |
2-6 |
Rare |
Item |
Quantity |
Cooldown |
Location |
Potion |
3 |
7 days |
Hidden behind a tree in the middle east of the route. |
Potion |
1 |
Not respawnable |
From the Gentleman west of the southmost berry trees. |
Oran Berry |
1-3 |
3 days. |
Berry-tree allotment north of the southern terminus.. |
Pecha Berry |
1-3 |
3 days. |
Berry-tree allotment north of the southern terminus.. |
NPC Trainers
Route 1 Trainers
Rattata |
Lv. 3 |
Pidgey |
Lv. 4 |
All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.