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Rare Candy is a form of medication introduced in Generation I.
When used from the Player’s Bag on a Pokémon, it increases that Pokémon’s level by one, up to level 100. After leveling up, it will have the minimum required experience for its current level.
Routes and Cities
The can be found hidden at these locations.
- Viridian Forest
- Route 17
- Route 27
- Route 108
- Route 127
- Route 132
- Cerulean Cave
- Mt. Silver 2F
- Bell Tower Top
- Olivine City
- Violet City
- Oldale Town
- Valley Of Steel Entrance
- Vulcan Path
- Vulcan Forest
Diggable Patches
Rare Candies can be found at Diggable Patches. They can be found at these following locations:
- Mt. Moon 1F
- Rock Tunnel 1F
- Route 14
- Route 15
- Mt. Mortar
- Mt. Coronet Summit
- Oreburgh Gate BF1
- Route 210 North
- Water Path
- Tanoby Key
You can onbtain Rare Candies from certain bosses. The following bosses listed give out Rare Candies as a possible award.
- Boss
- Brock
- Bruno
- Chuck
- Pewdie & Diepy
- Klohver
- Koichi
- Lance
- Letrix
- Link
- Lt. Surge
- Maribela
- Medusa & Eldir
- Morty
- Naruto Fanboy
- Neroli
- Officer Shamac
- Shary & Shaui
- Professor Elm
- Professor Birch
- Professor Oak
- Professor Rowan
- Saphirr
- Shary & Shaui
- Steven
- Spectify
- Terminator
- Thor
- Toothless
Recreational Activies
Rare Candies can also be obtained from activities such as
- Bug Catching Contest located near Johto‘s National Park
- Game Corner located in Kanto‘s Celadon City
- Having a nice chat with any PokéStop Officer.
- Participating in the Solaceon Daily Quest. (Note that this is only every fourth day streak.)
External Links
- Item Guide by Xylos
- Bulbapedia