Pewter City

(Redirected from Pewter Museum)

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Pewter City — Kanto



A positional vantage point of Pewter City in Kanto.

Pewter City Gym

Type specialty
Boulder Badge


Battleable NPCs
Ground-lootable items
Berry trees

Adjacent areas

Pewter City Route 3
Route 2

Pewter City is a city located in Kanto. It is interlocated between Route 2 (the encompassing route of Viridian Forest) and Route 3.

This city houses Pewter City Gym—the first gym that players will challenge in PRO. Its gym-leader, Brock, specializes in Rock-type Pokémon and will reward the Boulder Badge to successful challengers; that is required to advance to Route 3.

Notable miscellanies

Pewter Jail

A bevy of spoofy staff NPCs are interactable in Pewter Gym. While most only have pure dialog, two of them are a boss NPC as documented below.

Officer Shamac

Main article: Officer Shamac

Officer Shamac’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Relaxed Torrent None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100
Scald Water Special 80 100
Bulldoze Ground Physical 60 100
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90

Nature Ability Item
Timid Guts None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Air Slash Flying Special 75 95
Heat Wave Fire Special 95 90
Echoed Voice Normal Special 40 100
Whirlwind Normal Status

Nature Ability Item
Modest Sap Sipper None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100
Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 85 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Muddy Water Water Special 90 85

Nature Ability Item
Modest Water Absorb None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Surf Water Special 90 100
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100
Confuse Ray Ghost Status 100
Sing Normal Status 55

Nature Ability Item
Jolly Skill Link None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Bullet Seed Grass Physical 25 100
Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 70 100
Slam Normal Physical 80 75
Knock Off Dark Physical 65 100

Nature Ability Item
Timid Levitate None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Psychic Psychic Special 90 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100
Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 85 100
Recover Normal Status
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
Officer Shamac’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Relaxed Torrent Leftovers
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80
Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100
Waterfall Water Physical 80 100
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100

Nature Ability Item
Timid Guts Choice Specs
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Hurricane Flying Special 110 70
Boomburst Normal Special 140 100
Heat Wave Fire Special 95 90
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100

Nature Ability Item
Modest Sap Sipper Assault Vest
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Fire Blast Fire Special 110 85
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90
Thunder Electric Special 110 70
Sludge Wave Poison Special 95 100

Nature Ability Item
Modest Water Absorb Mystic Water
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Hydro Pump Water Special 110 80
Blizzard Ice Special 110 70
Sheer Cold Ice Special 30
Sing Normal Status 55

Nature Ability Item
Jolly Skill Link Choice Band
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Tail Slap Normal Physical 25 85
Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 90
Bullet Seed Grass Physical 25 100
Knock Off Dark Physical 65 100

Nature Ability Item
Timid Levitate Life Orb
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90
Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Surf Water Special 90 100
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.


Main article: George

Additionally, a boss NPC named George can be challenged once the user has completed the Legendary Event Moves (quest). His lineup is documented below.

George’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Intimidate None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100
Bite Dark Physical 60 100
Roar Normal Status

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Scrappy None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100
Yawn Normal Status
Wild Charge Electric Physical 90 100
Facade Normal Physical 70 100

Nature Ability Item
Impish Intimidate None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Play Rough Fairy Physical 90 90
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95

Nature Ability Item
Timid Flash Fire None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100
Flamethrower Fire Special 90 100
Sunny Day Fire Status
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Timid Minus None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100
Double Team Normal Status
Snarl Dark Special 55 95

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Steadfast None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100
Blaze Kick Fire Physical 85 90
Dual Chop Dragon Physical 40 90
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
George’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Intimidate Leftovers
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100
Will-O-Wisp Fire Status 85
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100
Extreme Speed Normal Physical 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Scrappy Choice Band
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Return Normal Physical 100
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100
Play Rough Fairy Physical 90 90

Nature Ability Item
Impish Intimidate Sitrus Berry
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Play Rough Fairy Physical 90 90
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100
Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100
Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80

Nature Ability Item
Timid Flash Fire Life Orb
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Nasty Plot Dark Status
Fire Blast Fire Special 110 85
Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100
Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100

Nature Ability Item
Timid Minus Life Orb
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Thunder Electric Special 110 70
Flamethrower Fire Special 90 100
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100
Roar Normal Status

Mega Lucario
Nature Ability Item
Adamant Steadfast Lucarionite
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100
Meteor Mash Steel Physical 90 90
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.

Pewter City Museum

Pewter City Museum is located on the north side of the city.

In the Museum, Curator Nennius will ask the player to donate Pokémon Fossils to the museum. He will accept one of each of the following fossils, on the condition that the player has the caught data of the Pokémon it revives into.

  • Dome Fossil (Kabuto)
  • Helix Fossil (Omanyte)
  • Old Amber (Aerodactyl)
  • Root Fossil (Lileep)
  • Claw Fossil (Anorith)

After 3 fossils have been donated, the Ancient Power Move Tutors in Ruins of Alph will accept teaching the move to the player.
After all 5 fossils have been donated, he will give a Reroll Ticket to the player.

Pokémon Doctor (task system)

Main article: Pokémon Doctor (task system)

Upon obtaining the Rain Badge in Sootopolis City, Brock will be contactable for the daycare-task system on the ledge eastward of the Pokémart. There will be a 7 day cooldown if the player refuses his request. Else, upon accepting his request, he will give the player his Herbal Remedy. He will task the player to give it to the multiple Pokémon in the area. These are as follow:

  • Meowth slightly north of Brock in Pewter City.
  • Meowth immediately west of the Pewter City Pokémon Center.
  • Scyther in the south-east corner of Route 2.
  • Pidgey immediately south of the northmost house of Viridian City.
  • Pidgey east of the bridge in front of Viridian City‘s southern entrance.
  • Sandslash next to the south-west dig patches in Route 3.
  • Geodude slightly south-west of the westmost patch of grass in Route 3.
  • 2 Sandshrew on the path that follows the above Geodude in Route 3.
  • Rhyhorn at the end of the path that follows the above Geodude in Route 3.

After distributing the Remedies to all of these Pokémon and reporting back to Brock, he will ask the player to bring him 3 Rare Candies next. After giving these to him, he will give the player the Medical Certificate, allowing the player to take on Doctor quests from Daycares.

Seismic Toss-tutor

A move-tutor on the battle-arena mini-field west of the Pokémon Center will offer to tutor your Pokémon the Seismic Toss technique for 2,000 per tutee.

Officer Jenny’s bounties

Just like in Viridian City, there is an Officer Jenny that gives small quests called ‘bounties’. Found directly to the west of the Pokémon Center, she gives the following bounties:

  • Beat Brock: This bounty requires the player to go defeat Brock, the gym leader of Pewter City. If Brock was already defeated prior to accepting the bounty, simply talking to Officer Jenny will complete the bounty. The reward for completing this bounty is 1,250 and a Hard Stone.
  • Catch a Pikachu: This bounty requires the player to catch a Pikachu and show it to Officer Jenny. The starter Pikachu can also be shown for the quest, but if Pikachu was not chosen as a starter, they can be found in Viridian Forest. The reward for completing this bounty is 3,500 and a Thunder Stone.
  • Teach a Pokémon Headbutt: This bounty requires the player to show Officer Jenny any Pokémon that knows the move Headbutt. This will usually be accomplished by bringing a compatible Pokémon to the Headbutt tutor in Viridian Maze. The reward for completing this bounty is 5,000, more than enough to refund the Headbutt tutor fee.
    • Catch a Silcoon: Continuation of the Headbutt bounty, this extra bounty requires the player to catch a Silcoon. Early in the game, they can be found by headbutting trees in many areas. The reward for completing this bounty is 9,000.

The player may accept any bounty at the same time, but each bounty can only be completed once.

Wild Pokémon

Headbuttable Trees

Pokémon Levels Rarity Tier
Cascoon 5-10 Common
Weedle 5-10 Common
Spearow 5-10 Common
Pidgey 5-10 Common
Golbat 5-10 Uncommon
Farfetch’d 5-10 Rare



Pewter City Mart
Item Price
Pokéball 200
Potion 300
Antidote 100
Ether 600
Escape Rope 550
Repel 350
Revive 1,500



Required badge
Great Ball
Super Potion
Super Repel
Full Heal
Rare Candy

Lootable items

Item Quantity Cooldown Location
Ether 1 Not respawnable. Northwesternmost corner of the city..

Pewter Gym

Upon defeating Brock, you will procure the Boulder Badge; this is needed to advance to Route 3 en route to the next gym in Cerulean City. Thereupon, Smack Down will be sold by the Gym Guide for 2,000 for one or 8,000 for five. However, the first time you purchase the TM, it will be sold at half the true value, lowering the cost to 1,000


Pewter City Gym Trainers

Camper Jerry

  • All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.
  • Gym-NPC levels are not known; as such, no level data is displayed hereon.


Since both Pokémon deployed by Brock are dual-type Rock— and Ground-type Pokémon, they are susceptible to a stacked 4x weakness to Water— and Grass-type attacks; as such, you are advised to use those Pokémon types against him. A select amount of those Pokémon types can be obtained pre-Brock—Poliwag at night time on Route 22, Oddish to the NPC trader in Viridian City, and Budew in Viridian Forest, namely.


Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90
Rock Tomb Rock Physical 60 95
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100
Tackle Normal Physical 50 100

Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Rock Tomb Rock Physical 60 95
Dig Ground Physical 80 100
Dragon Breath Dragon Special 60 100
Slam Normal Physical 80 75
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.

Post-E4 Challenge

After you’ve defeated the Kanto League, Brock will be rechallengeable and will reward you with some items.


Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Taunt Dark Status 100
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100

Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Ancient Power Rock Special 60 100
Iron Defense Steel Status

Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Smack Down Rock Physical 50 100

Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Giga Drain Grass Special 75 100

Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Payback Dark Physical 50 100
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
Item Quantity Reward Tier
Charti Berry 1 1
Rock Gem 3 {{{Reward Tier}}}