Odor Sleuth

Odor Sleuth



Statistical Attributes

Base Power




Odor Sleuth is a Normal type, Status move. It resets Evasion stat changes. Additionally, Normal type and Fighting type attacks can hit Ghost type Pokémon and Ghost type attacks can hit Normal type Pokémon.


Level Up

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
058 Growlithe Fire 10
059 Arcanine Fire 1
203 Girafarig Normal Psychic 5
220 Swinub Ice Ground 1
221 Piloswine Ice Ground 1
228 Houndour Dark Fire 20
229 Houndoom Dark Fire 20
231 Phanpy Ground 1
261 Poochyena Dark 13
262 Mightyena Dark 13
263 Zigzagoon Normal 13
264 Linoone Normal 13
309 Electrike Electric 16
310 Manectric Electric 16
325 Spoink Psychic 10
326 Grumpig Psychic 10
446 Munchlax Normal 1
473 Mamoswine Ice Ground 1
498 Tepig Fire 9
499 Pignite Fire Fighting 9
500 Emboar Fire Fighting 9
506 Lillipup Normal 5
507 Herdier Normal 5
508 Stoutland Normal 5
527 Woobat Psychic Flying 4
528 Swoobat Psychic Flying 4
631 Heatmor Fire 6
659 Bunnelby Normal 25
660 Diggersby Normal Ground 27
676 Furfrou Normal 27
682 Spritzee Fairy 8
683 Aromatisse Fairy 8

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Egg Moves

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
052 Meowth Normal
053 Persian Normal
179 Mareep Electric
180 Flaaffy Electric
181 Ampharos Electric
399 Bidoof Normal
400 Bibarel Normal Water
418 Buizel Water
419 Floatzel Water
585 Deerling Normal Grass
586 Sawsbuck Normal Grass

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.