Morning Sun

Morning Sun



Statistical Attributes

Base Power




Morning Sun is a Normal type, Status move. It restores the users HP based on the weather. In harsh sunlight, it will restore 2/3 of the user total HP, in other weather conditions it will restore 1/4 of the users total HP. If there is no weather, it will restore 1/2 of the users HP.


Level Up

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
196 Espeon Psychic 33
267 Beautifly Bug Flying 17
420 Cherubi Grass 1
421 Cherrim Grass 1

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Egg Moves

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
048 Venonat Bug Poison
049 Venomoth Bug Poison
058 Growlithe Fire
059 Arcanine Fire
077 Ponyta Fire
078 Rapidash Fire
175 Togepi Fairy
176 Togetic Fairy Flying
191 Sunkern Grass
192 Sunflora Grass
468 Togekiss Fairy Flying
519 Pidove Normal Flying
520 Tranquill Normal Flying
521 Unfezant Normal Flying
636 Larvesta Bug Fire
637 Volcarona Bug Fire

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.