Lilycove Department Store

Lilycove Department Store — Hoenn
Overviewing collage
Lilycove Department Store 1F
Lilycove Department Store 2F
Lilycove Department Store 3F
Lilycove Department Store 4F
Lilycove Department Store 5F
Lilycove Department Store Roof



A positional vantage point of Lilycove Department Store in Hoenn.

Lilycove Department Store is a large shopping building located in Lilycove City.

It is the only department store available in Hoenn, and by extension, the largest store in the region. On top of regular items found in Pokémarts, it also sells more unique items such as TMs and evolutionary stones.


1F: Receptionistic Counter

The first floor contains an Item Buyer, who will buy many items from the player. Most specifically, he will rebuy Pokéballs and Potions for 1/8 of their regular price, and regular berries for 20, as noted by the table below.

Item Buyer
Item Price
Pokéball 25
Great Ball 75
Ultra Ball 150
Potion 37
Super Potion 87
Hyper Potion 150
Max Potion 312
Cheri Berry 20
Chesto Berry 20
Pecha Berry 20
Rawst Berry 20
Aspear Berry 20
Leppa Berry 20
Oran Berry 20
Persim Berry 20
Lum Berry 20

2F: Trainer Supplements

The merchant of this floor sells all items that are regularly found in Pokémarts. Normally, Pokémarts are limited by a maximum amount of 10 items, however they have gathered every item here by separating them into multiple categories.


Items Price
Pokéball 200
Great Ball 600
Ultra Ball 1,200


Items Price
Potion 300
Super Potion 700
Hyper Potion 1,200
Max Potion 2,500
Revive 1,500
Full Restore 3,000

Ailment cures

Items Price
Antidote 100
Items Price
Repel 350
Super Repel 500
Max Repel 700
Ether 600
Elixir 1,500
Max Elixir 2,250
Escape Rope 550

PvE Coin Master

Main article: PvE Coins

The PvE Coin Master is located on the 2nd floor. He will sell various rare Pokemon and items using PvE Coins as a currency. He will sell up to 5 different kind of Pokemon, which are randomized each week from a list of Pokemon. The items he sell varie from a large variety of categories, including Cosmetics, Mounts, Evolution items, Battle items and Usable items.

3F: TMs

TMs are sold on this floor, making it the largest TM store available in the region.

Left Vendor
Items Price
TM33Reflect 5,500
TM105Scald 8,000
TM138Sleep Talk 7,000
TM15Hyper Beam 5,500
TM66Light Screen 6,000
Right Vendor
Items Price
TM37Egg Bomb 3,000
TM28Dig 4,000
TM80Shadow Ball 4,000
TM104False Swipe 4,000
TM40Skull Bash 4,000
TM14Blizzard 5,500
TM38Fire Blast 5,500
TM25Thunder 5,500
TM44Rest 6,000

Feint Attack Move Tutor

A move-tutor can also be found; he will impart the Feint Attack technique to any compatible Pokémon for 15,000 per tutee.

4F: Evolutionary Stones

Items Price
Leaf Stone 3,500
Fire Stone 3,500
Water Stone 3,500
Thunder Stone 3,500

Rotom cardboards

There is a stack of cardboard boxes that can be used for Rotom forms on the 4th floor. If the player has a Rotom in his or her party, it will be able to freely change between the multiple forms with no cost or delay.

5F: Vitamins

Items Price
Protein 8,000
Calcium 8,000
Carbos 8,000
HP Up 8,000
Iron 8,000
Zinc 8,000
Mysterious Candy 5,000

Drain Punch TM seller

Additionally a TM-tutors can also be found; he will sell you the Drain Punch TM 1 for 15,000 or 5 for 60,000 (Special Offer).


The rooftop contains a vending machine, just like the Celadon Department Store. It sells beverages, which are alternatives to Potions.

Items Price
Fresh Water 200
Soda Pop 300
Lemonade 350

Rachel’s Friends Quest (Michelle)

One of the locations the ninth and final friend of Rachel can be found in is on the rooftop of Lilycove Department Store. She will trade the player’s Pokeball for a level 20 Tropius, putting an end to the quest.

Pokédex Number Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Rarity Tier Held Item
#357 Tropius Grass Flying Uncommon