Keen Eye (ability)

Keen Eye is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.


Keen Eye will not let the Pokemon’s accuracy be lowered. Opponent’s evasion boosts are ignored. Decreases wild encounter rate.

Inheritable Pokémon

Predominant ability


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
16 Pidgey Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
17 Pidgeotto Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
18 Pidgeot Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
21 Spearow Normal Flying Keen Eye Sniper
22 Fearow Normal Flying Keen Eye Sniper
83 Farfetch’d Normal Flying Keen Eye Inner Focus Defiant
107 Hitmonchan Fighting Keen Eye Iron Fist Inner Focus
227 Skarmory Steel Flying Keen Eye Sturdy Weak Armor
278 Wingull Water Flying Keen Eye Hydration Rain Dish
279 Pelipper Water Flying Keen Eye Drizzle Rain Dish
302 Sableye Dark Ghost Keen Eye Stall Prankster
396 Starly Normal Flying Keen Eye Reckless
441 Chatot Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
580 Ducklett Water Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks Hydration
581 Swanna Water Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks Hydration
627 Rufflet Normal Flying Keen Eye Sheer Force Hustle
628 Braviary Normal Flying Keen Eye Sheer Force Defiant
677 Espurr Psychic Keen Eye Infiltrator Own Tempo
678 Meowstic Male Psychic Keen Eye Infiltrator Prankster
678A Meowstic Female Psychic Keen Eye Infiltrator Competitive
731 Pikipek Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Pickup
732 Trumbeak Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Pickup
733 Toucannon Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Pickup
744 Rockruff Rock Keen Eye Vital Spirit Steadfast
745 Lycanroc-Midday Rock Keen Eye Sand Rush Steadfast
745B Lycanroc-Midnight Rock Keen Eye Vital Spirit No Guard


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
161 Sentret Normal Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
162 Furret Normal Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
163 Hoothoot Normal Flying Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens
164 Noctowl Normal Flying Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens
215 Sneasel Dark Ice Inner Focus Keen Eye Pickpocket
504 Patrat Normal Run Away Keen Eye Analytic
505 Watchog Normal Illuminate Keen Eye Analytic

Hidden ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
431 Glameow Normal Limber Own Tempo Keen Eye
434 Stunky Poison Dark Stench Aftermath Keen Eye
435 Skuntank Poison Dark Stench Aftermath Keen Eye
451 Skorupi Poison Bug Battle Armor Sniper Keen Eye
452 Drapion Poison Dark Battle Armor Sniper Keen Eye