In-Game Commands

Commands are used to execute various data-inspective and account-management functions in-game.

Although most routine-use command can be performed by GUI-clickable shortcuts on the client interface, there still remains client-interface incompletions in that regard or times where it may be infeasible to use the client interface (if you want to right-click on another player who isn’t sightable, for example); that is a reason why one may find it resourceful to know the textual commands outlined below.

Do note that whenever commands are designated towards other players, they must be simultaneously online in order for them to be executable; this is because the commands will only sift through the database of online users, thereby necessitating that they’re online.

General Commands

Player-Interaction Commands

/fri or /friend username

Sends a friend request to the designated sendee.

Using the command while the user is online will also defriend them.

/ign or /ignore username

Blocks all messages and requests from the designated player.

Using the command again allows you to remove a user from your ignore list.

/pm username|message

It is used to open up a PM window with the designated sendee—especially useful if their name is not sightable for you to right-click on them. The message argument is optional, but using it will send a message in unison to opening up the PM window.

For example, if you wanted to message Bill456, you would type /pm Bill456 to open up a PM window with them.

This also does work for group chats with multiple people.

(e.g. ‘/pm Red,Naero,Daeon‘)


Disables private messages. Reusing this command will re-enable them, and logging out will also reset the setting.

/trade username

Sends a trade request to the designated sendee. You must be within the same Pokémon Center to trade them, and both of you must have fulfilled all the trading requirements in order for a trade to be executable.

/trade username,

Sends a lend request under a set appointed time of return to the designated sendee. You must be within the same Pokémon Center to trade them, and both of you must have fulfilled all the trading requirements in order for a trade to be executable.

/ins or /inspect username

Using the command to retrieve another player’s trainer card.

Retrieves the trainer-card data of another player; see the image to the right for a pictorial overview.

You do not have to be in the same map to be able to inspect a player.


This command is used to hide all players around you, this may help in reducing lag in overcrowded areas or reduce lag on smartphones and older hardware.

This resets after Logout.

Gameplay Data

/happy party-slot number

It reveals your Pokémon’s Happiness points in numerical notation.

/dex or /pokedex

It prints your Pokédex data in the chat, specifying your seen-, caught- and evolved-data entries.

/on or /online

It outputs the number of users actively online in the server in fractional notation; the numerator is the number of players online, and the denominator is the server’s maximal capacity.


Players can use this command to save their data immediately now. This will have a 30 second cooldown.


Specifies the duration of the ongoing uptime period, formatting the period as

PvP Commands

These commands are within the purview of non-ranked matches.

/bat or /battle username

It sends a battle request to the designated sendee.

/acc or /accept username

Accepts an oncoming battle request (alternative to the pop-up confirmatory prompt).


It prints your non-ranked PvP stats, specifying the wins, losses and disconnections statistics.

/dis or /disable

Blocks battle requests. Reuse the same command to re-enable them.


Only works in PvP battles and ends without a winner or loser. Draw requests can only be sent alternately to avoid spam requests and each request lasts 30 seconds.


works in all battles, counts as a loss and has a five minutes cooldown in Ranked PvP battles. The five minutes cooldown is only for the usage of the command again and nothing to do when you enter another ranked battle again, additionally the player would not have to wait 10 minutes to join another ranked battle game again compared to someone disconnecting.

Guild Commands

Main article: Guilds

Managerial Commands

/gcreate guild name

Creates a guild under the designated name. Do note that the requirements must be satisfied before a guild is creatable.

/gpromote username

Using the command will promote or demote them from one tier in relation to their current rank; for example, if a Guild Master or Officer were to use the /gpromote command on a Member, it would automatically promote them to an Officer; contrariwise, /gdemote would downgrade them to an Initiate.
It is only operable by Guild Masters and Officers.

/gleader new leader’s username

When performed by the current Guild Master, it transfers leadership to another guild member.

/ginvite invitee’s name

Invites the designated player to the guild. They must be online in order to be receptible of it and accept it.


It disbands the guild, deregistering all its associated data from the database.
Bear in mind that it has no confirmatory prompt; it will delete the guild thereupon sending the command, and the guild will be irrecoverable even if done mistakenly.

/gkick username

It expels the individual from the guild.


It modifies the guild’s MOTD (message of the day), which is the guild-globalized message that’s printed on the guild-menu tab.

Member Commands


This is the invitation-acceptant command that’s sent by the invitee in order to join the guild when there is an active invitation.


This is used to leave the guild.

Channel Commands

Main article: Channels

Global-Channel Shortcuts

You can use the following command prefixes to type into the channel without selecting it as your active tab; this allows you to chat in other channels while the global tab is your active one.

/all message

Posts a message in the All channel.

/t message

Posts a message in the Trade channel.

/b message

Posts a message in the Battle channel.

You can also interpose /me in the syntax of these commands in order to post a message in reported speech; for example, a player under the username of Jackson10 typing /all /me performs an action. would output ‘Jackson10 performs an action.’

Custom Channels

You are allowed to create and partake in custom channels that fall out of the purview of the official channels’ rules and regulations.

Channel Creation and Owner-Level Commands

/cgcreate channel name, password

Creates a private channel. The password argument is optional; using it would password-protect the channel, thereby requiring entrants to input the correct password to join.

/cgmod channel name, username

Promotes another as a channel-level moderator

/cgname channel name, new name

Changes the channel name.

/cgpassword channel name, new password, password confirmation

Changes the channel password.

/cgdisband channel name

Deregisters the channel.

Moderator-Level Commands

/cgkick channel name, username

Channel-kicks the user.

/cginvite channel name, invitee’s username

Invites the user to the channel. Do note that the channel must not be password-restricted.

Channel-User Commands

/cgjoin channel name, password

Joins the channel. If it is password-protected, the correct password must be inputted in the command in order to join.

/cgleave channel name

Leaves the channel.