Healing items are mostly bag items, which can be used to recover a Pokémon’s health, status problems or PP without visiting a Pokémon Center. Those items can not be used by a Pokémon in a battle if held and have to be used as a bag item by the trainer except some Berries, which can be used as both, bag item and In-battle held item.
Usuall HP restoring items
Potion |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon’s heatlh by 30 HP. |
- In most Pokémon marts
- Petalburg Woods
- Route 1 (Hidden)
Super Potion |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon’s health by 60 HP. |
- In most Pokémon marts
- Rocket Hideout B1F
- National Park (Hidden)
- Route 3 (2nd spot)
- Mt. Moon 1F (2nd spot)
- Rock Tunnel 2
- Digletts Cave (1st spot)
- Digletts Cave (2st spot)
- Dark Cave South
- Oreburgh Gate B1F (Dig spots)
Possible Pokéstop reward
Hyper Potion |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon’s health by 120 HP. |
- In most Pokémon marts
- Mt. Moon 1F (2nd spot)
- Digletts Cave (1st spot)
- Slowpoke Well (1st spot) Maniac Tunnel (Dig spots)
SS Anne 1F Kitchen
- Rocket Hideout B1F
- Cerulean Cave
- Ecruteak City (Hidden)
- Celadon Daily (task system) reward
- Possible Pokéstop reward
Max Potion |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it heals the Pokémon by all HP. |
Full Restore |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it fully restores a Pokémon’s HP and cures a Pokémon of all status conditions. |
- At some Pokémon Department Stores
- At some Pokémarts
- Possible Celadon Daily (task system) reward
- Possible Pokéstop reward
Fresh Water |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon´s health by 30 HP. |
- In any Department store
- Valley of Steel (Hidden)
Excavation Site (Glacial Site)
Player’s house in Littleroot Town (Hidden)
Soda Pop |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon´s health by 50 HP. |
Lemonade |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon´s health by 70 HP. |
Moomoo Milk |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon’s health by 100 HP. |
- S.S. Anne Ballroom (Drink Waiter Dan)
- Purchasable from the Moo Moo Farm in Route 39 after completing the required quest
Green Candycane |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon’s healthy by 200 HP. |
Red Candycane |
Function |
Restores a Pokémon’s health by 200 HP. |
- Polar City digspots
- Purchasable from the Essentials Shop in Polar City
Usuall status healing items
Antidote |
Function |
Curses a poisioned Pokémon when used from bag. |
- At most Pokémarts
- Route 3 (1st spot)/ Route 14/ Sevii Island 7 (Dig spots)
- Goldenrod Underground Path (Hidden)
- In any Department Store
Paralyze Heal |
Function |
Curses a paralyzed Pokémon when used from bag. |
- At most Pokémarts
- Diggable Patches at Slowpoke Well L1 (2nd spot)/Darke Cave South/ Mt. Moon 1F (2nd spot)
- In any Department Store
Ice Heal |
Function |
Curses a frozen Pokémon when used from bag. |
- At most Pokémarts
- Diggable Patches at
Rock Tunnel 1/ Mt Conoret Summit
Low Tide Ice Room (Hidden)
- In any Department Store
Awakening |
Function |
Curses a sleeping Pokémon when used from bag. |
- At most Pokémarts
- In any Department Store
Burn Heal |
Function |
Curses a burned Pokémon when used from bag. |
- At most Pokémarts
- In any Department Store
- Jagged Pass (Hidden)
Full Heal |
Function |
Curses a Pokémon with any status condition when used from bag. |
- At most Pokémarts
- Diggable Patches at Route 3 (1st spot)/Mt. Moon 1F (1st spot)
- Celadon Daily Quest reward
- In any Department Store
Hidden at Cerulean Cave 2F/Goldenrod Underground Path/National Park/Vulcan Island Shore(Event-only)
- Possible ‘One Item’ Item Recycler outcome/
Possible ’10 Item’ Tier 1 Item Recycler outcome
Lava Cookie |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it cures a Pokémon of all status conditions. |
- Buyable for $200 at Jagged path
Usuall PP-restoring items
Ether |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it fully restores 10 PP for one of its moves. |
- Hidden at Goldenrod Underground Path/Route 36/37/Ecruteak City/Burned Tower Top Floor
Celadon Daily Quest reward
Route 210 (Dig spots)
Possible Pokéstop reward
Possible ‘One Item’ Item Recycler outcome
Possible ’10 Item’ Tier 1 Item Recycler outcome
Max Ether |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it fully restores all PP for one of its moves. |
- Possible Pokéstop reward
- Hidden at Goldenrod Underground Path
Elixir |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it restores 10 PP to all of its moves. |
- At some Pokémarts
- Celadon Daily Quest reward
Max Elixir |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it fully restores the PP of all of its moves. |
Revivable items
Revive |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a fainted Pokémon, it revives the Pokémon and restores half of the Pokémon’s maximum HP. |
- At some Pokémarts
- Hidden at Rocket Hideout B4F/Cerulean Cave/ Burned Tower Floor 2/Abandoned Ship‘s dustbin/Route 109/ Abandoned Ship 1F Room 1
Possible ‘One Item’ Item Recycler outcome
- Possible ’10 Item’ Tier 1 Item Recycler outcome
Max Revive |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a fainted Pokémon, it revives the Pokémon and restores the Pokémon’s maximum HP. |
- Possible Pokéstop reward
- Diggable Patches at Rock Tunnel 1 and Oreburgh Gate B1F
- Cerulean Cave B1F(Hidden)
Energy Powder |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it heals the Pokémon by 50 HP. |
- Buyable at Excavation — Historical Site
Buyable at Goldenrod City‘s underground from a thief for $500 a piece. (A Pokémon with a move that is capable of putting the opponent to sleep is required)
- Buyable at Celadon Department Store 5F for $500
Energy Root |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it heals the Pokémon by 200 HP. |
- Buyable at Excavation — Historical Site
- Buyable in Goldenrod City‘s underground from a thief for $800 a piece. (A Pokémon with a move that is capable od putting the opponent to sleep is required
- Buyable at Celadon Department Store 5F for $1200
Heal Powder |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it cures a Pokémon of all status condotiones. |
- Hoenn Dessert Excavation; Gingery Jones
Buyable at Goldenrod City‘s underground from a thief for $450 a piece. (A Pokémon with a move that is capable of putting the opponent to sleep is required)
- Buyable at Celadon Department Store 5F for $450
Revival Herb |
Function |
When used from the Bag on a fainted Pokémon, it revives the Pokémon and restores it to full HP. |
- Possible Link and Neroli boss reward
- Solaceon Daily Quest reward- x5 Once every 3th day streak
- Buyable at Slateport City‘s outside mart for $2,800 at night time.
- Buyable at Celadon Department Store 5F for $2800
Main article: Berries
Berries can also be held and used by Pokémon inside of a battle.
External Links