



Statistical Attributes

Base Power



  • Viridian Gym for 9,000
  • Reward from Bruno

Earthquake is a Ground-type damage-dealing move.


Earthquake monofunctionally inflicts damage.

If the opponent is in the preparatory turn of Dig‘s two-turn execution, it will not only be vulnerable to Earthquake; Earthquake’s attack power will also doubly improve.

Grassy Terrain will halve the attack power of Earthquake while it is operatively in effect.



No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
027 Sandshrew Ground 46
028 Sandslash Ground 46
050 Diglett Ground 39
50A Alolan Diglett Ground Steel 39
051 Dugtrio Ground 47
51A Alolan Dugtrio Ground Steel 47
074 Geodude Rock Ground 34
075 Graveler Rock Ground 40
076 Golem Rock Ground 40
111 Rhyhorn Ground Rock 45
112 Rhydon Ground Rock 48
194 Wooper Water Ground 33
195 Quagsire Water Ground 36
220 Swinub Ice Ground 37
221 Piloswine Ice Ground 46
232 Donphan Ground 43
246 Larvitar Rock Ground 46
247 Pupitar Rock Ground 54
248 Tyranitar Rock Dark 54
259 Marshtomp Water Ground 48
260 Swampert Water Ground 51
322 Numel Fire Ground 45
323 Camerupt Fire Ground 57
328 Trapinch Ground 73
329 Vibrava Ground Dragon 33
330 Flygon Ground Dragon 33
339 Barboach Water Ground 39
340 Whiscash Water Ground 45
383 Groudon Ground 35
389 Torterra Grass Ground 32
449 Hippopotas Ground 37
450 Hippowdon Ground 40
464 Rhyperior Ground Rock 62
473 Mamoswine Ice Ground 46
529 Drilbur Ground 33
530 Excadrill Ground Steel 36
551 Sandile Ground Dark 43
552 Krokorok Ground Dark 48
553 Krookodile Ground Dark 54
622 Golett Ground Ghost 45
623 Golurk Ground Ghost 50
645 Landorus Ground Flying 55
659 Bunnelby Normal 49
660 Diggersby Normal Ground 57
673 Gogoat Grass 60
696 Tyrunt Rock Dragon 44
697 Tyrantrum Rock Dragon 47
718 Zygarde Dragon Ground 55

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.


No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
003 Venusaur Grass Poison
006 Charizard Fire Flying
009 Blastoise Water
023 Ekans Poison
024 Arbok Poison
027 Sandshrew Ground
27A Alolan Sandshrew Ice Steel
028 Sandslash Ground
28A Alolan Sandslash Ice Steel
031 Nidoqueen Poison Ground
034 Nidoking Poison Ground
050 Diglett Ground
50A Alolan Diglett Ground Steel
051 Dugtrio Ground
51A Alolan Dugtrio Ground Steel
056 Mankey Fighting
057 Primeape Fighting
061 Poliwhirl Water
062 Poliwrath Water Fighting
066 Machop Fighting
067 Machoke Fighting
068 Machamp Fighting
074 Geodude Rock Ground
74A Alolan Geodude Rock Electric
075 Graveler Rock Ground
75A Alolan Graveler Rock Electric
076 Golem Rock Ground
76A Alolan Golem Rock Electric
079 Slowpoke Water Psychic
080 Slowbro Water Psychic
095 Onix Rock Ground
104 Cubone Ground
105 Marowak Ground
105A Alolan Marowak Fire Ghost
106 Hitmonlee Fighting
107 Hitmonchan Fighting
108 Lickitung Normal
111 Rhyhorn Ground Rock
112 Rhydon Ground Rock
113 Chansey Normal
115 Kangaskhan Normal
127 Pinsir Bug
128 Tauros Normal
130 Gyarados Water Flying
142 Aerodactyl Rock Flying
143 Snorlax Normal
149 Dragonite Dragon Flying
150 Mewtwo Psychic
151 Mew Psychic
154 Meganium Grass
157 Typhlosion Fire
160 Feraligatr Water
185 Sudowoodo Rock
186 Politoed Water
194 Wooper Water Ground
195 Quagsire Water Ground
199 Slowking Water Psychic
203 Girafarig Normal Psychic
204 Pineco Bug
205 Forretress Bug Steel
206 Dunsparce Normal
207 Gligar Ground Flying
208 Steelix Steel Ground
209 Snubbull Fairy
210 Granbull Fairy
213 Shuckle Bug Rock
214 Heracross Bug Fighting
216 Teddiursa Normal
217 Ursaring Normal
219 Magcargo Fire Rock
220 Swinub Ice Ground
221 Piloswine Ice Ground
222 Corsola Water Rock
226 Mantine Water Flying
231 Phanpy Ground
232 Donphan Ground
234 Stantler Normal
236 Tyrogue Fighting
237 Hitmontop Fighting
241 Miltank Normal
242 Blissey Normal
243 Raikou Electric
244 Entei Fire
245 Suicune Water
246 Larvitar Rock Ground
247 Pupitar Rock Ground
248 Tyranitar Rock Dark
249 Lugia Psychic Flying
250 Ho-Oh Fire Flying
254 Sceptile Grass
257 Blaziken Fire Fighting
259 Marshtomp Water Ground
260 Swampert Water Ground
288 Vigoroth Normal
289 Slaking Normal
294 Loudred Normal
295 Exploud Normal
296 Makuhita Fighting
297 Hariyama Fighting
299 Nosepass Rock
304 Aron Steel Rock
305 Lairon Steel Rock
306 Aggron Steel Rock
317 Swalot Poison
319 Sharpedo Water Dark
320 Wailmer Water
321 Wailord Water
322 Numel Fire Ground
323 Camerupt Fire Ground
324 Torkoal Fire
328 Trapinch Ground
329 Vibrava Ground Dragon
330 Flygon Ground Dragon
334 Altaria Dragon Flying
336 Seviper Poison
337 Lunatone Rock Psychic
338 Solrock Rock Psychic
339 Barboach Water Ground
340 Whiscash Water Ground
343 Baltoy Ground Psychic
344 Claydol Ground Psychic
346 Cradily Rock Grass
348 Armaldo Rock Bug
356 Dusclops Ghost
357 Tropius Grass Flying
362 Glalie Ice
363 Spheal Ice Water
364 Sealeo Ice Water
365 Walrein Ice Water
369 Relicanth Water Rock
373 Salamence Dragon Flying
375 Metang Steel Psychic
376 Metagross Steel Psychic
377 Regirock Rock
378 Regice Ice
379 Registeel Steel
380 Latias Dragon Psychic
381 Latios Dragon Psychic
382 Kyogre Water
383 Groudon Ground
384 Rayquaza Dragon Flying
389 Torterra Grass Ground
392 Infernape Fire Fighting
395 Empoleon Water Steel
408 Cranidos Rock
409 Rampardos Rock
410 Shieldon Rock Steel
411 Bastiodon Rock Steel
413A Wormadam-Sandy Bug Ground
423 Gastrodon Water Ground
436 Bronzor Steel Psychic
437 Bronzong Steel Psychic
443 Gible Dragon Ground
444 Gabite Dragon Ground
445 Garchomp Dragon Ground
446 Munchlax Normal
447 Riolu Fighting
448 Lucario Fighting Steel
449 Hippopotas Ground
450 Hippowdon Ground
452 Drapion Poison Dark
453 Croagunk Poison Fighting
454 Toxicroak Poison Fighting
458 Mantyke Water Flying
460 Abomasnow Grass Ice
463 Lickilicky Normal
464 Rhyperior Ground Rock
465 Tangrowth Grass
466 Electivire Electric
467 Magmortar Fire
472 Gliscor Ground Flying
473 Mamoswine Ice Ground
475 Gallade Psychic Fighting
476 Probopass Rock Steel
477 Dusknoir Ghost
483 Dialga Steel Dragon
484 Palkia Water Dragon
485 Heatran Fire Steel
486 Regigigas Normal
487 Giratina Ghost Dragon
493 Arceus Normal
500 Emboar Fire Fighting
524 Roggenrola Rock
525 Boldore Rock
526 Gigalith Rock
529 Drilbur Ground
530 Excadrill Ground Steel
534 Conkeldurr Fighting
537 Seismitoad Water Ground
538 Throh Fighting
539 Sawk Fighting
545 Scolipede Bug Poison
551 Sandile Ground Dark
552 Krokorok Ground Dark
553 Krookodile Ground Dark
555 Darmanitan Fire
557 Dwebble Bug Rock
558 Crustle Bug Rock
564 Tirtouga Water Rock
565 Carracosta Water Rock
566 Archen Rock Flying
567 Archeops Rock Flying
612 Haxorus Dragon
618 Stunfisk Ground Electric
621 Druddigon Dragon
622 Golett Ground Ghost
623 Golurk Ground Ghost
626 Bouffalant Normal
635 Hydreigon Dark Dragon
639 Terrakion Rock Fighting
645 Landorus Ground Flying
652 Chesnaught Grass Fighting
659 Bunnelby Normal
660 Diggersby Normal Ground
673 Gogoat Grass
674 Pancham Fighting
675 Pangoro Fighting Dark
688 Binacle Rock Water
689 Barbaracle Rock Water
696 Tyrunt Rock Dragon
697 Tyrantrum Rock Dragon
699 Aurorus Rock Ice
706 Goodra Dragon
709 Trevenant Ghost Grass
713 Avalugg Ice
718 Zygarde Dragon Ground
721 Volcanion Fire Water

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.