Double Team

Double Team



Statistical Attributes

Base Power



Extra Information
  • Banned in Ranked PvP under the Evasion Clause
  • Eumi Island Theme Park 1 for 8,000

Double Team is a Normal type, Status move. It raises the evasiveness of the user by 1 stage.


Level Up

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
025 Pikachu Electric 23
123 Scyther Bug Flying 37
193 Yanma Bug Flying 11
276 Taillow Normal Flying 17
277 Swellow Normal Flying 17
280 Ralts Psychic Fairy 6
281 Kirlia Psychic Fairy 6
282 Gardevoir Psychic Fairy 6
291 Ninjask Bug Flying 1
313 Volbeat Bug 5
359 Absol Dark 19
361 Snorunt Ice 5
362 Glalie Ice 5
396 Starly Normal Flying 13
397 Staravia Normal Flying 13
398 Staraptor Normal Flying 13
469 Yanmega Bug Flying 11
475 Gallade Psychic Fighting 6
478 Froslass Ice Ghost 5
479 Rotom Electric Ghost 15
479A Rotom-Wash Electric Water 15
479B Rotom-Heat Electric Fire 15
479C Rotom-Frost Electric Ice 15
479D Rotom-Fan Electric Flying 15
479E Rotom-Mow Electric Grass 15
491 Darkrai Dark 47
566 Archen Rock Flying 8
567 Archeops Rock Flying 8
587 Emolga Electric Flying 19
617 Accelgor Bug 8
656 Froakie Water 43
657 Frogadier Water 50
658 Greninja Water Dark 56
690 Skrelp Poison Water 28
691 Dragalge Poison Dragon 28

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.


All Pokémon that are able to learn TMs, can learn Double Team. With the exceptions of Burmy, Kricketot, Tynamo, Unown, Wobbuffet, and Wynaut.