



Statistical Attributes

Base Power



Extra Information
  • Makes contact
  • Does not have an animation
Move tutor
  • Victory Road Kanto 2F for 9,000

Double-Edge is a Normal-type damage-dealing move.


Double-Edge inflicts damage and causes the user to receive 33% of the damage inflicted as recoil damage.

If the user has the Reckless ability, Double-Edge’s damage will increase by 20%.

If the user has the Rock Head ability, the user won’t take any recoil damage from Double-Edge.



No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Level
001 Bulbasaur Grass Poison 27
002 Ivysaur Grass Poison 31
003 Venusaur Grass Poison 31
019 Rattata Normal 31
19A Alolan Rattata Dark Normal 31
020 Raticate Normal 39
20A Alolan Raticate Dark Normal 39
039 Jigglypuff Normal Fairy 45
040 Wigglytuff Normal Fairy 1
074 Geodude Rock Ground 40
74A Alolan Geodude Rock Electric 40
075 Graveler Rock Ground 50
75A Alolan Graveler Rock Electric 50
076 Golem Rock Ground 50
76A Alolan Golem Rock Electric 50
095 Onix Rock Ground 49
104 Cubone Ground 43
105 Marowak Ground 53
113 Chansey Normal 65
128 Tauros Normal 63
133 Eevee Normal 37
155 Cyndaquil Fire 55
156 Quilava Fire 64
157 Typhlosion Fire 69
165 Ledyba Bug Flying 40
166 Ledian Bug Flying 47
175 Togepi Fairy 45
176 Togetic Fairy Flying 45
183 Marill Water Fairy 37
184 Azumarill Water Fairy 42
185 Sudowoodo Rock 43
191 Sunkern Grass 37
192 Sunflora Grass 37
204 Pineco Bug 45
205 Forretress Bug Steel 50
206 Dunsparce Normal 38
208 Steelix Steel Ground 49
231 Phanpy Ground 42
242 Blissey Normal 65
264 Linoone Normal 35
300 Skitty Normal 40
304 Aron Steel Rock 40
305 Lairon Steel Rock 43
306 Aggron Steel Rock 45
313 Volbeat Bug 47
322 Numel Fire Ground 47
327 Spinda Normal 46
358 Chimecho Psychic 42
369 Relicanth Water Rock 50
371 Bagon Dragon 49
372 Shelgon Dragon 56
373 Salamence Dragon Flying 63
385 Jirachi Steel Psychic 40
438 Bonsly Rock 43
449 Hippopotas Ground 44
450 Hippowdon Ground 50
531 Audino Normal 49
543 Venipede Bug Poison 43
544 Whirlipede Bug Poison 50
545 Scolipede Bug Poison 55
550 Basculin Water 26
585 Deerling Normal Grass 46
586 Sawsbuck Normal Grass 52
588 Karrablast Bug 56
589 Escavalier Bug Steel 1
636 Larvesta Bug Fire 50
672 Skiddo Grass 38
673 Gogoat Grass 40
712 Bergmite Ice 49
713 Avalugg Ice 56

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Egg Moves

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
058 Growlithe Fire
059 Arcanine Fire
077 Ponyta Fire
078 Rapidash Fire
115 Kangaskhan Normal
143 Snorlax Normal
155 Cyndaquil Fire
156 Quilava Fire
157 Typhlosion Fire
161 Sentret Normal
162 Furret Normal
187 Hoppip Grass Flying
188 Skiploom Grass Flying
189 Jumpluff Grass Flying
193 Yanma Bug Flying
204 Pineco Bug
205 Forretress Bug Steel
207 Gligar Ground Flying
209 Snubbull Fairy
210 Granbull Fairy
214 Heracross Bug Fighting
216 Teddiursa Normal
217 Ursaring Normal
220 Swinub Ice Ground
221 Piloswine Ice Ground
241 Miltank Normal
258 Mudkip Water
259 Marshtomp Water Ground
260 Swampert Water Ground
299 Nosepass Rock
318 Carvanha Water Dark
319 Sharpedo Water Dark
320 Wailmer Water
321 Wailord Water
341 Corphish Water
342 Crawdaunt Water Dark
359 Absol Dark
387 Turtwig Grass
388 Grotle Grass
389 Torterra Grass Ground
396 Starly Normal Flying
397 Staravia Normal Flying
398 Staraptor Normal Flying
399 Bidoof Normal
400 Bibarel Normal Water
408 Cranidos Rock
409 Rampardos Rock
410 Shieldon Rock Steel
411 Bastiodon Rock Steel
434 Stunky Poison Dark
435 Skuntank Poison Dark
443 Gible Dragon Ground
444 Gabite Dragon Ground
445 Garchomp Dragon Ground
446 Munchlax Normal
459 Snover Grass Ice
460 Abomasnow Grass Ice
469 Yanmega Bug Flying
472 Gliscor Ground Flying
473 Mamoswine Ice Ground
476 Probopass Rock Steel
522 Blitzle Electric
523 Zebstrika Electric
551 Sandile Ground Dark
552 Krokorok Ground Dark
553 Krookodile Ground Dark
616 Shelmet Bug
617 Accelgor Bug

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.

Move Tutors

No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2
004 Charmander Fire
005 Charmeleon Fire
006 Charizard Fire Flying
007 Squirtle Water
008 Wartortle Water
009 Blastoise Water
012 Butterfree Bug Flying
015 Beedrill Bug Poison
016 Pidgey Normal Flying
017 Pidgeotto Normal Flying
018 Pidgeot Normal Flying
021 Spearow Normal Flying
022 Fearow Normal Flying
023 Ekans Poison
024 Arbok Poison
025 Pikachu Electric
026 Raichu Electric
027 Sandshrew Ground
028 Sandslash Ground
029 Nidoran Female Poison
030 Nidorina Poison
031 Nidoqueen Poison Ground
032 Nidoran Male Poison
033 Nidorino Poison
034 Nidoking Poison Ground
035 Clefairy Fairy
036 Clefable Fairy
037 Vulpix Fire
038 Ninetales Fire
041 Zubat Poison Flying
042 Golbat Poison Flying
043 Oddish Grass Poison
044 Gloom Grass Poison
045 Vileplume Grass Poison
046 Paras Bug Grass
047 Parasect Bug Grass
048 Venonat Bug Poison
049 Venomoth Bug Poison
050 Diglett Ground
051 Dugtrio Ground
052 Meowth Normal
053 Persian Normal
054 Psyduck Water
055 Golduck Water
056 Mankey Fighting
057 Primeape Fighting
060 Poliwag Water
061 Poliwhirl Water
062 Poliwrath Water Fighting
063 Abra Psychic
064 Kadabra Psychic
065 Alakazam Psychic
066 Machop Fighting
067 Machoke Fighting
068 Machamp Fighting
069 Bellsprout Grass Poison
070 Weepinbell Grass Poison
071 Victreebel Grass Poison
072 Tentacool Water Poison
073 Tentacruel Water Poison
079 Slowpoke Water Psychic
080 Slowbro Water Psychic
081 Magnemite Electric Steel
082 Magneton Electric Steel
083 Farfetch’d Normal Flying
084 Doduo Normal Flying
085 Dodrio Normal Flying
086 Seel Water
087 Dewgong Water Ice
090 Shellder Water
091 Cloyster Water Ice
094 Gengar Ghost Poison
096 Drowzee Psychic
097 Hypno Psychic
098 Krabby Water
099 Kingler Water
102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103 Exeggutor Grass Psychic
106 Hitmonlee Fighting
107 Hitmonchan Fighting
108 Lickitung Normal
111 Rhyhorn Ground Rock
112 Rhydon Ground Rock
114 Tangela Grass
116 Horsea Water
117 Seadra Water
118 Goldeen Water
119 Seaking Water
120 Staryu Water
121 Starmie Water Psychic
122 Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy
123 Scyther Bug Flying
124 Jynx Ice Psychic
125 Electabuzz Electric
126 Magmar Fire
127 Pinsir Bug
130 Gyarados Water Flying
131 Lapras Water Ice
137 Porygon Normal
138 Omanyte Rock Water
139 Omastar Rock Water
140 Kabuto Rock Water
141 Kabutops Rock Water
144 Articuno Ice Flying
145 Zapdos Electric Flying
146 Moltres Fire Flying
147 Dratini Dragon
148 Dragonair Dragon
149 Dragonite Dragon Flying
151 Mew Psychic
152 Chikorita Grass
153 Bayleef Grass
154 Meganium Grass
158 Totodile Water
159 Croconaw Water
160 Feraligatr Water
163 Hoothoot Normal Flying
164 Noctowl Normal Flying
167 Spinarak Bug Poison
168 Ariados Bug Poison
169 Crobat Poison Flying
170 Chinchou Water Electric
171 Lanturn Water Electric
172 Pichu Electric
173 Cleffa Fairy
174 Igglybuff Normal Fairy
177 Natu Psychic Flying
178 Xatu Psychic Flying
179 Mareep Electric
180 Flaaffy Electric
181 Ampharos Electric
182 Bellossom Grass
186 Politoed Water
190 Aipom Normal
194 Wooper Water Ground
195 Quagsire Water Ground
198 Murkrow Dark Flying
199 Slowking Water Psychic
200 Misdreavus Ghost
203 Girafarig Normal Psychic
211 Qwilfish Water Poison
212 Scizor Bug Steel
213 Shuckle Bug Rock
215 Sneasel Dark Ice
218 Slugma Fire
219 Magcargo Fire Rock
222 Corsola Water Rock
223 Remoraid Water
224 Octillery Water
225 Delibird Ice Flying
226 Mantine Water Flying
227 Skarmory Steel Flying
228 Houndour Dark Fire
229 Houndoom Dark Fire
230 Kingdra Water Dragon
000 File:Icon.png Porygon 2
234 Stantler Normal
236 Tyrogue Fighting
237 Hitmontop Fighting
238 Smoochum Ice Psychic
239 Elekid Electric
240 Magby Fire
243 Raikou Electric
244 Entei Fire
245 Suicune Water
246 Larvitar Rock Ground
247 Pupitar Rock Ground
248 Tyranitar Rock Dark
251 Celebi Grass Psychic

Emboldened Pokémon avail from a STAB bonus for this move.