A screenful of users and channels of PRO’s Discord-server.
Discord is the chatting-software medium used to host the official out-of-game chat in Pokémon Revolution Online‘s network of services. It supplanted the IRC chat for the mantle of PRO’s official external chat on April 23, 2017.
By concomitance of its officiality, it is the most populous out-of-game chat available for PRO at this time, allowing you to communicate with staff members and fellow community members on a real-time basis.
As the most prominently interlinked out-of-game chatting hub used by PRO, it is accepted as PRO’s official out-of-game chat; as such, it is used as the go-to player-support real-time chat outside of the game, as well as a popular hub for conversing with the rest of the community.
Its rules are codified similarly and thus the same guidelines and rulings should be expected here as you would expect from any other medium in PRO’s network of services. The chat-specific rules will be delineated below, but do take as a rule of thumb that the rules model themselves after the same regulatory goals pursued by PRO’s network of services; that means that you should not do any action that would be rule-breaking as it pertains to the game in this chat (scamming, for example).
As its an official part of PRO’s network of services, do bear in mind that extremities of abuse herein could warrant actionable punishment for your in-game account if deemed necessary.
Joining the server
To join most seamlessly, you can click on the Discord widget below.
PRO Discord |

Alternatively, you can join the Discord-server by inputting the invitational link’s ID hereon.
As a bimodal software, it is usable both via the website or its downloadable application-based software. If you have not already registered a Discord account, it is advisable to do so, beforehand, for identificatory privileges and global retention of all your servers and configurations; however, doing so, while beneficial, is not categorically required to join PRO’s official server.
Thereupon joining, it is advisable to read the ruleset (#server-rules, which is your initialized tab) before chatting.
Additionally, you are enjoined to classify yourself based on the server; this will colorize your name in accordance to the designated server, accentuating what in-game server you primarily play on. To assign yourself to a server, use the ?rank server-name Server command.
Do note that until you reach the level-7 threshold, accruable through the mee6 bot, certain privileges, such as hotlinking images, will be inaccessible. Experience points are granted by mee6 through posting messages, and your level-ups will be announced.
Channels and usage
To fully comport yourself with the ruleset, it is adjured to be conscious of using the compartmentally appropriate channels; doing so entails knowing all the available channels and their compartmentalistic purposes, which is mostly self-explanatory when viewing the available channels in addition to the pinned messages and topic-headers thereof but is also explained below.
There are currently 15 public textual channels and five voice-chat channels total, which are sectionalized as follows: Rules and Information, Events and Tournaments, Player zone , Trade, and Voice Chats.
Rules and Information
This subsumes all channels used to envelop information users are strongly advised to read, which contains #announcements, #server-rules, #pro-useful-links, #frequently-asked-questions, and #guilds.
These channels can only be posted in by staff members and the Discord Staff; as its namesake suggests, it exists strictly for readable information, and only information-posting is conveyed in there for the sake of chat-log mutability.
Events and Tournaments
This subsection, consists of only one active channel, contemporaneously- #Player-Hosted-Events; which is used as a medium to advertise unofficial tournaments and events hosted by players. Advertisement of one’s event or tournament in the said channel can be done by contacting a Discord Moderator or Discord Leader.
This channel is non-usable by non-staff members. (‘Non-staff members’ excludes the Discord staff)
Player Zone
All conversational activity is conducted in Player Zone’s nodal section of channels, containing the server’s central channel in #general.
While most chatting is done in #general, other channels exist to focalize more specific chat usages: #support, which is optimal to post in for eliciting support from staff and players, in addition to general informational needs; #pvp-showdown, for match-making PvP battles and for general advice and discussions within its purview; #bot-commands, which is where all commands (read the parental section below) should be performed; and #video-streams, where video streams and channels—typically gaming-oriented ones—can be acceptably advertised.
A showcase subsection also exists, subsuming #art-showcase, for showcasing artwork, and #map-showcase, for showcasing any customely architected maps.
All advertisements pertinent to trading and other commercial activity is restricted to these channels. It is compartmentalized into two server-respective channels, total.
An additional channelization #daycare_shops, can be viewed in the ‘Trades’ subsection. It servers the purpose of advertising daycare shops of players. This channel is also locked; only the staff members can post here. Requesting the Discord moderators, Discord leaders, to make an advertisement about one’s shop should be done if players desire to advertise their daycare shops in said channel.
All rules within the purview of trading are to be conducted, here, when brokering for trades.
Voice Chats
In addition to textually chatting, voice-chatting is also conductible; all channels for it are subsumed under this section. They will be accessibilized as soon as you attain level 7 on the Mee6 Discord not.
There are five voice-chat channels—including a staff-accessible one—and a textual channel entitled #voice-chat. All textual messages posted pertaining to the voice-chat topics and conversations should be posted in the #voice-chat channel, not #general.
Bots and commands
With an assortment of bots plugged into the server, various commands have been enabled for both the staff and server members to use to perform moderatorial, managerial, and informatory functions.
The syntactic prefixes and command scopes will vary depending on the bot, which are sectionally explained below.
All commands are to be strictly performed within the #bot-commands channel.
BuddyBot (Dyno)
Support commands
Support commands are strictly informational in nature; they display detailed answers to frequently asked questions, often used as a shortcut in lieu of manually answering them.
Command | Description |
?appeal | Explains the rules and procedures for ban appeals, linking the appropriate forums section. |
?bcc | A guide to the Bug-Catching Contest. |
?bugcenter | A link to the Bug Resolution Center on the forums. |
?cloudflare | A free and recommended VPN to play the game on, especially if encountering irresolvable network issues. |
?complaints | The Complaints section of the forums. |
?contributor | Explanation for attaining the Contributor role. |
?cosmetics | Showcase for clothes, Mounts, and accessories. |
?crashissues | Links to the forums thread covering common crash issues, in addition to the General Support section for a next resort. |
?dashboard | Links the dashboard on the main website. |
?dhub | Links the Discord Hub subsection of the forums. Used for ban appeals and complaints pertaining to PRO Discord. |
?download | Official download mirrors for the client. |
?donationissues | Explains common issues and resolutionary steps for donation issues. |
?eevee | The evolutionary requirements for all Eeveelutions. |
?evohelp | Explains PRO-unique evolutionary processes and the megathread for evolution requests. |
?evzones | Recommended EV-training zones. |
?forum | PRO’s official forums. |
?fly | Transportation structures and shortcuts used as alternatives to Fly (unusable outside of battle). |
?ghostqueue | Explanation of ghost queues. |
?gs | General Support subforum. |
?guilds | Information on how to join guilds. |
?happiness | A guide to Pokémon happiness. |
?htasa | How to access specific areas. |
?images | How to post images on the forums. |
?invite | Shares the current invitational link of the Discord-server. |
?legends | A megathread for Legendary Pokémon. |
?mee6 | An overview of Mee6’s leveling chart and unlockable privileges. |
?media | PRO’s official social-media outlets. |
?membership | Membership acquisition and perks. |
?merge | How to merge Red and Blue accounts for those who haven’t already done so. |
?mostused | Most-used Pokémon in PRO’s PvP metagame. |
?moves | Locations for TMs and move tutors. |
?nikola | How to find and qualify for the Nikola boss. |
?notcoded | Unprogrammed and misprogrammed move techniques and abilities. |
?pstuck | Mega-thread for Pokémon stuck in one’s lineup. |
?regionlocked | Mega-thread for resolving regionally locked players and Pokémon. |
?register | The website page for registering to the game. |
?report | Link to the Report Center section of the forums and ground rules for the process. |
?resetpass | The password-recovery form on the main website. |
?restore | Mega-thread for restoring mistakenly or regrettedly released Pokémon. |
?rollback | Explanations of server rollbacks. |
?rotom | Guide for changing Rotom‘s form. |
?rules | Link to PRO’s in-game rules. |
?serverdown | Explanation of crashes and server-downtime periods. |
?shoalcave | Timetable for Shoal Cave tides. |
?sinnoh | Walkthrough for the Sinnoh region. |
?spawns | Comprehensive information about Pokémon spawns. |
?stuck | Possible means if extrication if one’s character is positionally stuck. |
?suggestions | The Suggestions subforums. |
?updatelogs | Update logs for Developers and Content Scripters. |
?pstuck | Link to PRO Wiki. |
?wq | World quest guide. |
Self-assignable roles
These are all the roles users can grant autonomously. They are needed to unlock access to server-specific channels or roles, using gold and silver as input values for the server arguments.
Command | Description |
?rank server name | Denotes you as a member of the designated in-game server. Needed for access to the trade-and-price-check channels. |
?rank server outbreak | Enables notifications about Outbreaks via the Reborn bot for the servers the users assign themselves. |
?rank MusicDJ | Enables the usage of DJ-music commands for the voice-chat channels. |
FredBoat is tailored strictly towards the #voice-chat channel, broadcasting songs within earshot of its voice-chat participants.
Command | Description |
;;commands all/module | Lists all the performable commands for the bot or, if specified in lieu of “all,” a particular module. |
;;leave | Removes FredBoat from the voice-chat channel. |
;;play song name | Melodizes the designated song name, relaying the audio contents of the YouTube video found for it. It will byfunctionally add FredBoat to the commander’s active voice-chat channel, too. |
;;previous | Replays the previously selected song. |
;;repeat mode | Commands the bot to loop the songs. The modal parameters available are single, which interminably loops the current song; all, which loops through the entire soundtrack designated; and off, which disables the looping, altogether. |
;;skip | Ends the current song, seguing into the next one that is waiting in the queue of requested songs. |
Mr Meeseeks
Command | Description |
!rank @username | Outputs the argumental user’s level statistics, including their current level, experience-points progress to the next level, and their rank in relation to the rest of the server’s ranked users. |
!levels | Outputs a link to the official Mee6 ladder where users can view their rank on on the leaderboard. |
Command | Description |
^boss username | Furnishes all data coded in for boss NPCs. |
^cooldown username parameter server | Displays the cooldown periods for the following parameters: Bosses (boss), Bug Catching Contest (bug), Subway ticket (subway) and Excavation (exca). |
^dex Pokémon name | Posts all Pokédex data of the argumental Pokémon. |
^evspots region | Posts recommended EV-training areas for the specified region. |
^guildladder server | Outputs the current guild leaderboard for the specified server.. |
^hideot picture URL | Hides the OT of the supplied picture. |
^hp picture-url | Calculates the Hidden Power from the pictorial contents of the Pokémon. |
^info move/ability/item | Displays basic data about the processive move, ability, or item. |
^inspect name server | This command displays the profile of the selected username. |
^invites | Posts the invitational links for PRO and Reborn’s respective Discord-servers. |
^item item name | Tabulates all Pokémon spawns that can hold the argumental item. |
^ivs picture URL | Calculates the summative amount of IVs of the pictorially shared Pokémon. |
^memberslist guild name | Indexes all the members of the designated guild. |
^move move name | Outputs all attributinal data of the move name, including its obtention information. |
^msspawns | Transcludes all the membership-exclusive Pokémon spawns. |
^poketime or ^t | Returns the current Pokétime. |
^remindtime | Notifies you during the scheduled Pokétime juncture. Use ^help remindtime for more descriptive information. |
^defaultserver server name | Sets a new default game-server. |
^repel Pokémon/area | Displays the possible usages of the repel trick for the specified Pokémon or area. If no Pokémon or area are specified, the command will display all possible uses of the repel trick. |
^smogon Pokémon name generation | Transcludes Smogon’s Pokémon data for the Pokémon and generational subset specified. |
^spawns Pokémon/map name | Outputs all spawn data for the specified Pokémon or map name. |
^timeladder server name | Tabulates the ladder of players in order of playtime hours for the designated in-game server. |
^up | Shows the current server status of both the servers. |
Discord Staff
Discord’s staff team fields all the administrative and moderatorial personnel of the chat, as they manage and arbitrate the chat.
All in-game staff inherit managerial and moderatorial privileges for the chat, and a specialized staff team fields non-staff members who serve as moderators for the chat.
Discord Staff
Discord Moderators
Junior Discord Moderator
Junior Discord Moderators are the trainees who are to be trained and promoted to Discord Moderators. This is generally the first phase selected candidates go through.
Becoming Discord Staff
The applications for Discord Moderator are always open, but they are regularly and ultimately hand-picked by the Discord Leaders, who vet for moderators out of users they feel are dedicated, well-behaved, and helpful enough within the community to serve effectually within the role.
An array other roles besides the managerial and moderational ones exist. They are detailed below.
Mee6 Level Roles
Level-up roles are attainably by posting in the chat, which randomly yield 15-25 XP per post. To curtail spamming, experience is only granted once per minute to the user. As you level up, you will earn a new role, often in addition to different nickname coloration and new privileges.
To examine your current level, post !rank in the #bot-commands channel.
Title | Level | Total XP Required | Unlocked privileges |
Youngster | 3 | 475 | None. |
Newbie Trainer | 7 | 2,205 | Posting directly embedded pictures and GIFs. |
Rookie Trainer | 10 | 4,675 | None. |
Junior Trainer | 15 | 11,825 | Changing server nickname and using external emojis. |
Advanced Trainer | 20 | 23,850 | None. |
Experienced Trainer | 25 | 42,000 | None. |
Veteran Trainer | 30 | 67,525 | None. |
Master Trainer | 35 | 101,675 | None. |
Mythical Trainer | 40 | 145,700 | None. |
Legendary Trainer | 50 | 268,375 | Adding reactions to messages. |
Players who contribute to the game in one or the other way in a stable and consequential procedure. In simple terms, they are active players who contribute via different methods, such as;assisting on General Support in the forums, creating useful guides on forums and so forth.
Former Staff
This role refers to the individual who contributed to the game as a staff heretofore, and aren’t a member the team, contemporaneously.
This role has been designed for the reprobate who antagonistic to the ruleset. The individual with this role would not be able to post in any of the channels in the server for a set duration.
PRO Staff
This is role given to the contemporaneous staff members of the game.
Please visit Staff for more information on this topic.
Gold & Silver
These are the server-related roles, this role can also notify a player when a World Quest is active. One can assign himself one of these roles by typing the following command in #bot-commands;
?rank server
Gold & Silver Outbreak
These are the server-related roles, which allows the user to get notified when there is a Outbreak active. One can assign himself one of these roles by typing the following command in #bot-commands;
?rank Outbreak
Spawn Editor
They preside over the game’s spawns, maintaining the health and integrity of the spawns.