Defiant (ability)

Defiant is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.


When the possessor’s stats are subtractively modified by an opponent’s attack, its current Attack stat will upscale by two stages. Defiant will effectuate for each stat lowered; for example, if two of the possessor’s stats were to be lowered by the opponent, Defiant would activate in seamless succession, upscaling the possessor’s Attack by four stages total.

Self-inflicted stat-lowerings—a la usage of the Memento technique—will not trigger Defiant; only attacks deployed by the opponent will.


Predominant ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
624 Pawniard Dark Steel Defiant Inner Focus Pressure
625 Bisharp Dark Steel Defiant Inner Focus Pressure

Hidden ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
56 Mankey Fighting Vital Spirit Anger Point Defiant
57 Primeape Fighting Vital Spirit Anger Point Defiant
83 Farfetch’d Normal Flying Keen Eye Inner Focus Defiant
393 Piplup Water Torrent Defiant
394 Prinplup Water Torrent Defiant
395 Empoleon Water Steel Torrent Defiant
432 Purugly Normal Thick Fat Own Tempo Defiant
628 Braviary Normal Flying Keen Eye Sheer Force Defiant
641 Tornadus Flying Prankster Defiant
642 Thundurus Electric Flying Prankster Defiant
766 Passimian Fighting Receiver Defiant