In-battle held items

(Redirected from Choice Specs)

In-battle held items are Pokémon-holdable items whose functions actuate during Pokémon battles. They effectuate an array of functions—both potentially beneficial and negatory to the holder—when equippers of them are deployed in battle, and they must be equipped outside of battle; they are not changeable throughout the course of battle.

Due to developmental limitations and incompletions of Pokémon Revolution Online, not all of such items from the official games are implemented in PRO at this juncture; the ones that have been are existentially reflected as such on the body of this page.

While they are considered strategic devices for Pokémon battles, not all are permissible in ranked PvP; read the PvP ruleset to know which ones are outlawed from them.

In-battle effect items

The section subsumes all in-battle items that only have monomodal usability, meaning that their functions are confined strictly within the purview of battles; they have no out-of-battle usability, as such.


Air Balloon
Makes the holder operatively airborne, immunizing them from damage-dealing Ground-type moves and other needfully grounded modes of attack.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Master for 1 PvP Coin apiece
  • Purchasable from any PvE Master for 1 PvE Coin
  • Potentially rewarded from Ash Westbrook and Officer Jenny
  • Potential Game Corner reward
  • Held by wild Drifloon
Bright Powder
lowers the accuracy of moves targeting the holder by 10%.
  • Hidden Item in Goldenrod Underground Basement
Damp Rock
Lengthens the duration of Rain Dance and Drizzle from 5 to 8 turns when deployed by the holder.
  • Held by wild Castform and Quagsire
  • Diggable patches
Focus Band
It effectuates approximately a 10% chance that when the holder is damaged by a move whereof the damage would cause it to faint, otherwise, it will survive with 1 HP. It will only effectuate for one strike, meaning that it would need to be triggered be each discrete strike of a multi-strike move in order for the holder to survive the entire spates of the attack.
  • Held by wild Machop, Machoke and Machamp
Focus Sash
A single-use item that is functionally identical to the Sturdy ability; it will stave the holder from fainting from the damage output of a move that would have fainted it, otherwise, if it has maximal HP. It only protects one strike of multi-strike moves.
  • Potential reward for defeating the Battlebot, Bruno, Chuck, Koichi, Morty, Lance, Letrix, Link, Lorelei, Lt. Surge Maribela, Neroli,Officer Shamac, Terminator, Tigerous, Saphirr, Shary & Shaui, Professor Rowan, Steven, Urahara
  • Purchasable from the NPC in the Historical Site for 300 artifact pieces
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 1 PvP Coin apiece
  • Purchasable from any PvE Master for 1 PvE Coin
  • Potential Game Corner reward
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward
Grip Claw
Lengthens the duration of multi-turn attacks.
Heat Rock
Lengthens the duration of Sunny Day and Drought from 5 to 8 turns when deployed by the holder.
  • Held by wild Torkoal and Vulpix
  • Diggable patches
  • Potential reward for defeating Thor
Icy Rock
Lengthens the duration of Hail and Snow Warning from 5 to 8 turns when deployed by the holder.
  • Held by wild Castform on Route 217
  • Potential reward for defeating Suicune Guardian or Thor
Lagging Tail
It inhibits the holder’s Speed stat, thereby ensuring that their opponent outspeeds them and thus executes their attack prior.
  • Held by wild Farfetch’d, Lickitung, Meowth, Onix, and Slowpoke
Light Clay
Lengthens the duration of Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil when deployed by the holder.
  • Ground-lootable on Route 9
  • Diggable patches
  • Potential reward for defeating Thor
  • Held by wild Klefki
Quick Claw
It quickens the holder, enhancing their chance to outspeed opponents within the same priority bracket by approximately 20%.
  • Held by wild Persian and Sandshrew
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward
  • Given by Tess NPC in National Park after speaking with her.
Rocky Helmet
Incurs damage to the attacker, damaging 1/6th of their maximal HP whenever they attack the holder. Each discrete strike made by multi-strike moves will activate Rocky Helmet and sustain the same increments of damage.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Reward for the missing Jigglypuff quest at Nap Island
Shed Shell
Immunizes the holder from entanglement, allowing them to switch out even where they would be otherwise precluded by moves and abilities.
  • PvP Masters for 50 PvP Coins apiece
  • Potential Game Corner reward
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Gamers Pewdie and Diepy
Smoke Ball
Allows the holder to flee any wild battle.
  • Held by wild Grimer
  • Held by wild Koffing
  • Held by wild Weezing
Smooth Rock
Lengthens the duration of Sandstorm and Sand Stream from 5 to 8 turns when deployed by the holder.
  • Diggable patches
  • Potential reward for defeating Thor
  • Held by wild Castform
  • Held by wild Larvitar


Mental Herb
It is a single-use item that extricates the holder from infatuation and the conditional constraints of Taunt and Torment.
  • Yielded from the band of battlable NPCs on the southern segment of Route 34
  • Sold by the PvP Coin Masters for 1 PvP Coin
  • Sold by the PvE Coin Masters for 1 PvE Coin
Power Herb
It is a single-use item that enables two-turn moves with a preparatory or charge-up first turn to insta-execute. It is utilizable for the following move techniques: Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Freeze Shock, Ice Burn, Razor Wind, Shadow Force, Skull Bash, Sky Attack, Solar Beam, and Solar Blade.
  • Yielded from the band of battlable NPCs on the southern segment of Route 34
  • Sold by the PvP Coin Masters for 1 PvP Coin
  • Sold by the PvE Coin Masters for 1 PvE Coin
White Herb
It is a single-use item that reverts any subtractive stat changes that the user was affected by.
  • Yielded from the band of battlable NPCs on the southern segment of Route 34
  • Sold by the PvP Coin Masters for 1 PvP Coin
  • Sold by the PvE Coin Masters for 1 PvE Coin
Restores the user’s health each turn it is operatively held at increments of 1/16th of the user’s maximal HP.
  • Held by wild Snorlax
  • Potential reward for defeating Thor
  • Lootable from a trash-can bin in an
    S.S. Anne hallway
  • Diggable patches
  • 5% chance of Munchlax holding it when rewarded by Naero
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Gingery Jones, Prehax, and Thor


Absorb Bulb
It is a single-use item that upscales the holder’s Special Attack stat by one stage upon sustaining damage from a Water-type move.
  • Held by wild Oddish and Gloom
Assault Vest
It enhances the user’s Special Defense stat by 50%; however, as a drawback, it also precludes them from using Status moves.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating BattleBot
Choice Band
It boosts the user’s Attack stat by 50%; however, it will also confine the equippee to strictly using the first move that is selected.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potential Game Corner reward
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Entei Guardian
  • Potential item from the Item Recycler
Choice Scarf
It boosts the user’s Speed stat by 50%; however, it will also confine the equippee to strictly using the first move that is selected.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potentially default held item from any generatively obtained Porygon in Cinnabar Island‘s lab
  • Potential reward for defeating Raikou Guardian
  • Potential item from the Item Recycler
Choice Specs
It boosts the user’s Special Attack stat by 50%; however, it will also confine the equippee to strictly using the first move that is selected.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potential reward for defeating Suicune Guardian and Prehax
  • Potential item from the Item Recycler
It strengthens the Defense and Special Defense stats of the holder by 50% if they are not fully evolved.
  • Reaped by the prize-giver in Blackthorn City Dragon Club (third floor) if at least 150 caught-data entries are registered in your Pokédex
  • Rewarded by Eevelutionist Devan in Vermilion City‘s Pokémon Club if all evolved-data entries of available evolutionary outlets of Eevee are registered in your Pokédex
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potential reward for defeating Prehax
Expert Belt
Holder’s attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage.
  • Held by wild Primeape on Route 9
Light Ball
It doubly enhances the Attack and Special Attack stats of Pikachu, who is the only affectable holder.
  • Held by wild Pikachu
  • 5% chance of any Pichu rewarded by Naero to hold it
Life Orb
It bolsters the damage output of any damage-dealing move used by the holder by approximately 30%; however, as a repercussion, a fraction of the user’s HP will be forfeited on each usage in increments of 10% of their maximal HP.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Rewardable from the George boss
  • Rewardable from Urahara boss
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward
Lucky Punch
It upscales the critical-hit ratio of any move used exclusively by Chansey by two stages.
  • Held by wild Chansey
  • Held by wild Foongus
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts moves used consecutively, but only until a different move is used..
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
Muscle Band
It bolsters the damage output of all Physical moves deployed by the holder by 10%.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward
Scope Lens
It upscales the critical-hit ratio of all moves of the holder.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
It upscales the critical-hit ratio of any move used exclusively by Farfetch’d by two stages.
  • Held by the NPC-traded Farfetch’d in Vermilion City
Thick Club
It doubly enhances the attack power of Physical moves used exclusively by Cubone and Marowak.
  • Held by wild Cubone and Marowak
Weakness Policy
It is a single-use item that upscales the holder’s Attack and Special Attack stats by two stages when damaged by a move with super-effective type-modifiers.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 1 PvP Coin apiece
  • Potential Game Corner reward
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating BattleBot and Shieon
Wide Lens
Sharpens the accuracy of the holder by 10% of the initial rate.
  • Held by wild Yanma
  • Purchasable from the NPC in the Historical Site for 150 artifact pieces
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward
Wise Glasses
Bolsters the damage-power output of any Special moves used by the holder by 10%.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Held by Porygon that have been obtained through the use of a Silver Disc in Cinnabar Lab

Self-destructive items

Black Sludge
It gradually restores the HP of Poison-type holders in increments of 1/16th of their maximal HP; all other types holding it, on the other hand, will lose incrementally lose 12.5% of their maximal health each turn.
  • Held by wild Grimer, Muk, and Goomy
  • Potential reward for defeating Ravine
  • Potential Boss reward by Professor Rowan and Chuck
Flame Orb
Onsets the burn status ailment on the holder after one turn in-battle.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Rewardable from the George boss
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward
Toxic Orb
Onsets the poison status ailment on the holder after one turn in-battle.
  • Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins
  • Rewardable from the George boss
  • Potential Bug Catching Contest reward


Black Belt
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Fighting-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Mankey, Machoke, and Makuhita
  • 5% chance of Tyrogue rewarded by Naero to inbornly hold it
Black Glasses
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Dark-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Sandile
  • Freely lootable in the Silph Co. premise in Saffron City
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Fire-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Vulpix, Geodude, Slugma, Magcargo, and Numel
  • Purchasable in Azalea Town‘s Pokémart
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Professor Oak and Professor Elm
Dragon Fang
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Dragon-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Trapinch, Swablu, Bagon, and Kricketune
  • Inbornly held by the NPC-traded Shelgon in Blackthorn City
Hard Stone
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Rock-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Geodude, Graveler, Onix, Sudowoodo, Nosepass, Aron, and Lunatone
  • 5% chance that it is inbornly held by any Bonsly rewarded by Naero
  • Diggable patches
  • Inbornly held by the NPC-traded Onix in Violet City
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Electric-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Magneton and Voltorb
  • Inbornly held by the NPC-traded Voltorb in Olivine City
  • Lootable on Route 37
Miracle Seed
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Grass-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Tangela, Chikorita and Cherubi
  • Encased in a pot in Goldenrod Underground Path
  • Purchasable in Azalea Town‘s Pokémart for 2,000 apiece
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Professor Oak, Professor Elm, Professor Rowan and Neroli
Mystic Water
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Water-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Golduck, Goldeen, Seaking, Lapras, Totodile, and Dewgong
  • Purchasable in Azalea Town‘s Pokémart for 2,000 apiece
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Professor Oak, Professor Elm and Professor Rowan
Never-Melt Ice
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Ice-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Swinub and Delibird
  • Ground-lootable in Icefall Cave (Sevii Islands)
Poison Barb
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Poison-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Beedrill, Arbok, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Qwilfish, Roselia, Cacnea, Budew, and Skorupi
  • Encased in a pot in Goldenrod Underground Path
  • Lootable in Dock Island
Sharp Beak
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Flying-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Spearow, Fearow, Doduo, Dodrio, Skarmory, and Litleo
Silk Scarf
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Normal-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Skarmory and Zangoose
  • Potential reward for defeating Prehax
Silver Powder
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Bug-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Butterfree, Venomoth, and Ariados
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Bugsy
Soft Sand
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Ground-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, and Ninjask
  • Potential Boss reward for defeating Professor Rowan
Spell Tag
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Ghost-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Haunter, Misdreavus, and Shuppet
  • Potential reward for defeating the boss-NPC counterpart of Morty
Twisted Spoon
Bolsters the damage-output power of any Psychic-type move deployed by the holder by 20%.
  • Held by wild Abra, Kadabra, Drowzee, Ralts, and Meditite

Evolutionary items

Main article: Evolutionary Items

As secondary functions to their evolutionary usages, various evolutionary items will oftentimes produce a passive in-battle effect when held by the Pokémon.

Due to the expendability of all evolutionary items, they will be lost when successfully used to evolve a compatible Pokémon.


Main article: Berries

Akin to various restorative and curative items, such as potions, berries are also out-of-battle-usable; their niche over more inorganic items in that regard is that they are self-consumable by the holding Pokémon in battle, meaning they will be auto-used when the conditional thresholds are met for them (the onset of a status ailment, per se).