← Lavender Town |
Pokémon Revolution Online Town |
Fuchsia City → |
Celadon City — Kanto |

A positional vantage point of Celadon City in Kanto.
Celadon City Gym
Type specialty
Rainbow Badge
Water Pokémon
Average levels
Extremely Rares
Battleable NPCs
Ground-lootable items
Berry trees
Adjacent areas
↑ |
← Route 16 |
Celadon City |
Route 7 → |
↓ |
Celadon City is a city located in Kanto. It is the bijunction between Route 7 and Route 16.
Celadon Gym is stationed herein—the fourth gym in Kanto’s successional line of gym-leaders wherein the Rainbow Badge is conferred to victorious challengers. Because Team Rocket agents are initially marshaled throughout the city, various pathways are impassable; this includes Celadon Gym, thereby necessitating that the Celadon Rocket Hideout quest is completed in order for them to vacate the area and deobstruct the pathways.
It is considered the most metropolitan city in the Kanto region, being the most architecturally developed city in it. In addition to the aforementioned gym, the city’s tract includes Celadon Department Store, an office complex, and Celadon Game Corner.
Notable miscellanies
Celadon Rocket Hideout
By the juncture that the player has arrived at Celadon City, Team Rocket has already commandeered a secret hideout, as they have used Celadon Gaming Corner’s substories as a surreptitious operational base.
Since Team Rocket agents are obstructively marshaled throughout the city, the player’s regional travels will not be progressible until the quest is completed, since the gym is unreachable before then. Once the player and the police’s investigatory team have apprehended the base, which culminates in defeating Giovanni, the criminal organization will abscond out of the city to search for a new base.
This quest is also instrumental to acquiring the Pokéflute in Lavender Town in order to ultimately advance to Fuchsia City, since the Silph Co. device is obtained from the hideout.
Celadon Department Store
Main article: Celadon Department Store
Celadon Department Store is the only department store in Kanto, being the most all-encompassing store of Pokémon-trainer paraphernalia available. In addition to Pokémon apparatus and supplements, it is also the only emporium in Kanto to sell TMs.
Celadon Subway
Celadon City is one of the seven destinational outlets available in Kanto’s intraregional-subway system, thereby providing an expeditious shortcut to this area and to six other destinations from it.
Contingent that you have completed the intraregional-subway quest, you may board the subway from Celadon City’s Pokémon Center for a fee of
Celadon Office
Celadon Office is a three-story complex, serving as a data-process facility for various data-processing functions; that includes a receptionist who calculatively counts your Pokémon’s total IVs and a boss-NPC cooldown-checker on the second floor.
On the third floor exists a bevy of staff-member spoofs who are portrayed as clerical workers, using their computers to submit content-developmental creations. Interacting with Tiggus and promptedly agreeing with his praise of the staff members will reward you one Soothe Bell.
Celadon Game Corner
While Celadon Game Corner has not been functionalized as a gaming venue, meaning that the slot machines are inoperable and that there is no prize-center adjunct, it is noteworthy because Quack Jack can be found and played here.
Additionally, there is a TM Seller stationed inside that sells the following TMs: Steel Wing and Sludge Wave. She also serves as an Event Tutor for the move Sludge Wave.
Task Master
Main article: Celadon Daily (task system)
Inside the house directly south of the Game Corner, you will find the Task Master and his wife—the Reward Master. The Task Master will ask that you hunt a Pokémon of his choosing and show it to him. The higher IVs the Pokémon you show him has, the better the reward you will get. After showing him the Pokémon, speak with the Reward Master to claim your reward.
Trainer Red
After defeating the Celadon Gym, Trainer Red will be blocking the exit, forcing the player to challenge him. He will only have a Pikachu, but a strong one that is meant to be lost to, especially after being exhausted from a Gym battle.
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
- Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
- Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
Copycat Lamsie
Copycat Lamsie is an NPC that copies the team of the last player that defeated the city’s gym, in this case, the Celadon City Gym. She will battle you and award you EXP, but no money, making it a great spot to grind just before challenging the gym.
Psychic Tamaro
This NPC will inform you how much time you have left on your Black Medallion and can also deactivate the medallion’s effect, if you so choose to. She is also able to turn it back on, if you decide to.
Officer Jenny’s bounties
Just like in Viridian City, there is an Officer that gives small quests called ‘bounties’. Found in the square in front of the Department Store, she gives the following bounties:
- Fight Michael: This bounty requires the player to fight Michael in Route 17. By his location, it will be necessary for the player to obtain a Bicycle first. Michael will be staying near the north exit of the route. Once spoken to, he will fight the player with a team of 4 Pokémon of level close to 35. These Pokémon also all hold items to go along with their moveset or ability. Once defeated, Michael will disappear and the player will be able to report back to Jenny. The reward for completing this bounty is
10,000 and a Bright Powder.
- Buy an HP Up: This bounty requires the player to go to the nearby Department Store and purchase an HP Up. You aren’t required to necissarily buy one since they can be obtained from other sources, such as Dig Spots. It will be removed from the player’s inventory when completing the quest. The reward for completing this bounty is
14,000, resulting in a net gain of
6,000, if the HP Up was purchased.
The player may accept any bounty at the same time, but each bounty can only be completed once.
Honey Tree
Main article: Honey Tree
The Honey Tree in Celadon City is located in the north-west corner of the city. By spreading Honey onto the tree, a random Pokémon will appear, and the tree will enter a cooldown of 24 hours. This Honey Tree is categorized as a Grass tree; spreading Honey to multiple Grass Honey Trees in a row will reward with stronger Grass type Pokémon.
A Soft-Boiled tutor can be found to the left of the Game Corner, but it will require you to have either Surf or a Surf Mount.
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rod |
Rarity Tier |
Grimer |
15-33 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Smoke Ball |
Common |
Koffing |
15-22 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Smoke Ball |
Common |
Muk |
15-33 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
- Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Pokémon |
Level range |
Times |
Held Item |
Rod |
Rarity Tier |
Goldeen |
10-15 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Magikarp |
10-15 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
Poliwag |
10-15 |
Night |
Kings Rock |
Common |
Slowpoke |
10-15 |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
Common |
- Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area.
- All Pokémon tabulated here can only be encountered via fishing; they are not Surf-encounterable.
Item |
Quantity |
Cooldown |
Location |
Great Ball |
1 |
Not respawnable |
Behind the Pokémon Center. |
Ultra Ball |
5 |
Not respawnable |
In the southernmost pathway of the city, southeast of the Cut tree on the way to the gym. |
PP Up |
1 |
Not respawnable |
Shrouded underneath a tree left to the Cut tree on the way to the gym. |
Celadon Gym
Upon defeating Erika, you will procure the Rainbow Badge, giving you the ability to Trade. Thereupon, Giga Drain will be sold by the Gym Guide for
8,000 for one or
32,000 for five. However, the first time you purchase the TM, it will be sold at half the true value, lowering its cost to
Due to Team Rocket agents occluding the pathway to it, you will need to complete the Celadon Rocket Hideout quest in order for the pathway thereto to be navigable.
As a Grass-type specialist, Fire and Flying-type Pokémon will be the most type-advantageous against her lineup. Growlithe and Vulpix are the most handily huntable Fire-type Pokémon to deploy against her, as they spawn on the contiguous routes.
Since all her Pokémon are also dual-types with a secondary type of Poison, it would also be judicious to entertain the deployment Pokémon and moves that are type-advantageous against it, such as the Psychic type.
Erika |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Sleep Powder |
Grass |
Status |
— |
75 |
Razor Leaf |
Grass |
Physical |
55 |
95 |
Hidden Power |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100 |
Energy Ball |
Grass |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Leech Seed |
Grass |
Status |
— |
100 |
Growl |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100 |
Growth |
Normal |
Status |
— |
— |
Energy Ball |
Grass |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Mega Drain |
Grass |
Special |
40 |
100 |
Sludge Bomb |
Poison |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Toxic |
Poison |
Status |
— |
90 |
Return |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100 |
- Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
- Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
Post-E4 Challenge
After defeating the Kanto League, Erika will be rechallengeable and will reward you with some items.
Erika |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Knock Off |
Dark |
Physical |
65 |
100 |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
[[]] |
— |
- Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
- Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
Item |
Quantity |
Reward Tier |
Grass Gem |
3 |
1 |
Jessie & James (boss)
Jessie & James can be located behind the Celadon Department Store. They will fight the Player, if the player has a Pikachu in their and if they have completed the Kanto League.
Main article: Jessie & James (boss)
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Modest |
Adaptability |
Choice Specs |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Tri Attack |
Normal |
Special |
80 |
100 |
Ice Beam |
Ice |
Special |
95 |
100 |
Thunderbolt |
Electric |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Shadow Ball |
Ghost |
Special |
80 |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Adamant |
Intimidate |
Black Sludge |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Gunk Shot |
Poison |
Physical |
120 |
80 |
Coil |
Poison |
Status |
— |
— |
Earthquake |
Ground |
Physical |
100 |
100 |
Ice Fang |
Ice |
Physical |
65 |
95 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Timid |
Insomnia |
Leftovers |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Seed Bomb |
Grass |
Physical |
80 |
100 |
Phantom Force |
Ghost |
Physical |
90 |
100 |
Will-O-Wisp |
Fire |
Status |
— |
85 |
Leech Seed |
Grass |
Status |
— |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Modest |
Tinted Lens |
Choice Specs |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Bug Buzz |
Bug |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Air Slash |
Flying |
Special |
75 |
95 |
Ancient Power |
Rock |
Special |
60 |
100 |
Giga Drain |
Grass |
Special |
75 |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Bold |
Cursed Body |
Leftovers |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Scald |
Water |
Special |
80 |
100 |
Shadow Ball |
Ghost |
Special |
80 |
100 |
Ice Beam |
Ice |
Special |
95 |
100 |
Energy Ball |
Grass |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Quiet |
Shed Skin |
Assault Vest |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Sludge Bomb |
Poison |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Flamethrower |
Fire |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Giga Drain |
Grass |
Special |
75 |
100 |
Sucker Punch |
Dark |
Physical |
80 |
100 |
- Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
- Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Careful |
Contrary |
Leftovers |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Superpower |
Fighting |
Physical |
120 |
100 |
Knock Off |
Dark |
Physical |
65 |
100 |
Psycho Cut |
Psychic |
Physical |
70 |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Modest |
Levitate |
Black Sludge |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Sludge Bomb |
Poison |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Fire Blast |
Fire |
Special |
110 |
85 |
Thunderbolt |
Electric |
Special |
90 |
100 |
Shadow Ball |
Ghost |
Special |
80 |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Adamant |
Intimidate |
Choice Band |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Flare Blitz |
Fire |
Physical |
120 |
100 |
Wild Charge |
Electric |
Physical |
90 |
100 |
Close Combat |
Fighting |
Physical |
120 |
100 |
Extreme Speed |
Normal |
Physical |
80 |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Jolly |
Moxie |
Sitrus Berry |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Dragon Dance |
Dragon |
Status |
— |
— |
Waterfall |
Water |
Physical |
80 |
100 |
Earthquake |
Ground |
Physical |
100 |
100 |
Ice Fang |
Ice |
Physical |
65 |
95 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Calm |
Effect Spore |
Black Sludge |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Giga Drain |
Grass |
Special |
75 |
100 |
Clear Smog |
Poison |
Special |
50 |
— |
Spore |
Grass |
Status |
— |
100 |
Foul Play |
Dark |
Physical |
95 |
100 |
Nature |
Ability |
Item |
Quiet |
Mummy |
Leftovers |
Move |
Type |
Category |
Base Power |
Accuracy |
Nasty Plot |
Dark |
Status |
— |
— |
Shadow Ball |
Ghost |
Special |
80 |
100 |
Trick Room |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
— |
Energy Ball |
Grass |
Special |
90 |
100 |
- Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
- Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.
NPC trainers
Celadon City Trainers
Ivysaur |
Lv. 35 |
Sunflora |
Lv. 36 |
All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.