Valuable Items, conversely referred to more colloquially as junk items, are sellable items that can turned into Item Maniacs for lucrative payouts of Pokémoney.
They are functionless items that exist strictly for their sellability as another avenue for money-making in this game; the only anomaly is Stardust, which is instrumental for some tasks in the daycare-task quests and thus is the only sellable item herein that is buyable.
Item list
Sellable Items |
Item name
Sells for
Rare Bone
Item name
Sells for
Obtainability |
- Diggable Patches
- Potential reward from Celadon Daily (task system)
- Potential reward for defeating Brock boss
- Potentially given by the Item Recycler
Item name
Sells for
Big Nugget
Obtainability |
- Diggable Patches
- Potential reward from Celadon Daily (task system)
- Potential reward for defeating Brock boss
Item name
Sells for
Big Pearl
Obtainability |
- Diggable Patches
- Potential reward from Celadon Daily (task system)
- Held by wild Shellder
- Held by wild Gulpin
- Potential reward for defeating Brock boss
- Love Island Crystals
Item name
Sells for
Obtainability |
- Potential reward from Celadon Daily (task system)
- Diggable Patches
- Ground-lootable within Seafoam Islands
- Held by wild Shellder
- Potentially given by the Item Recycler
Item name
Sells for
Tiny Mushroom
Obtainability |
- Potential reward from Celadon Daily (task system)
- Petalburg Woods mushrooms
- Held by wild Paras
Item name
Sells for
Big Mushroom
Obtainability |
- Held by wild Parasect
- Potential reward from Celadon Daily (task system)
- Potentially given by the Item Recycler
Item name
Sells for
Star Piece
Obtainability |
- Diggable Patches
- Held by wild Staryu
- Potential reward for defeating Brock’s boss NPC
Item name
Sells for
Obtainability |
- Diggable Patches
- Potential reward from Celadon Daily (task system)
- Route 106
- Buyable at Ruins of Alph exterior for
- Buyable at Route 25 for
- Held by wild Staryu
- Potential reward for defeating Brock boss
Item name
Sells for
Mirror Shard
Selling to Item Maniacs
Kanto’s iteration of the Item Maniac in his Route 25 house.
These items can be sold to any of the one-per-region Item Maniacs for the prices noted above. They can be sold either all at once or in increments of 1 per transaction.
Item Maniacs can be found stationed at the following region-respective areas:
- Kanto — the Item Maniac’s residential house on Route 25.
- Johto — Ruins of Alph.
- Hoenn — Treasure Hunter house on Route 124.
- Sinnoh — Celestic Town (House 1).