Mega Pokémon are groups of Pokémon which uniquely have the capability to evolve further using special Mega Stones.
Fundamental Facts
•More than one Pokémon can hold a Mega Stone in the same battle; however, only one can Mega Evolve throughout.
•If a Pokémon has a special counterpart, when it mega evolves, their mega version will also have a counterpart which can be viewed in the Megas Showcase
•Mega Stones can’t be traded or deleted once obtained
Mega Evolutions
Mega Evolutions are battle-temporary transformations that occur when a Pokémon holding its corresponding Mega Stone enters the battle. The Mega Evolved form has greater base-stat totals—typically by 100 points—and a reassigned Ability. Some Evolutions also inherit new secondary types.
# No. |
Name |
Mega Stone |
Ability |
HP |
Att |
Def |
Sp. Att |
Sp. Def |
Spd |
#003 |
Venusaur |
Venusaurite |
Thick Fat |
80 |
100 |
123 |
122 |
120 |
80 |
#006X |
Charizard X |
Charizardite X |
Tough Claws |
78 |
130 |
111 |
130 |
85 |
100 |
#006Y |
Charizard Y |
Charizardite Y |
Drought |
78 |
104 |
78 |
159 |
115 |
100 |
#009 |
Blastoise |
Blastoisinite |
Mega Launcher |
79 |
103 |
120 |
135 |
115 |
78 |
#015 |
Beedrill |
Beedrillite |
Adaptability |
65 |
150 |
40 |
15 |
80 |
145 |
#018 |
Pidgeot |
Pidgeotite |
No Guard |
83 |
80 |
80 |
135 |
80 |
121 |
#065 |
Alakazam |
Alakazite |
Trace |
55 |
50 |
65 |
175 |
105 |
150 |
#080 |
Slowbro |
Slowbronite |
Shell Armor |
95 |
75 |
180 |
130 |
80 |
30 |
#094 |
Gengar |
Gengarite |
Shadow Tag |
60 |
65 |
80 |
170 |
95 |
130 |
#115 |
Kangaskhan |
Kangaskhanite |
Parental Bond |
105 |
125 |
100 |
60 |
100 |
100 |
#127 |
Pinsir |
Pinsirite |
Aerilate |
65 |
155 |
120 |
65 |
90 |
105 |
#130 |
Gyarados |
Gyaradosite |
Mold Breaker |
95 |
155 |
109 |
70 |
130 |
81 |
#142 |
Aerodactyl |
Aerodactylite |
Tough Claws |
80 |
135 |
85 |
70 |
95 |
150 |
#150X |
Mewtwo X |
Mewtwonite X |
Steadfast |
106 |
190 |
100 |
154 |
100 |
130 |
#150Y |
Mewtwo Y |
Mewtwonite Y |
Insomnia |
106 |
150 |
70 |
194 |
120 |
140 |
#208 |
Steelix |
Steelixite |
Sand Force |
75 |
125 |
230 |
55 |
95 |
30 |
#181 |
Ampharos |
Ampharosite |
Mold Breaker |
90 |
95 |
105 |
165 |
110 |
45 |
#212 |
Scizor |
Scizorite |
Technician |
70 |
150 |
140 |
65 |
100 |
75 |
#214 |
Heracross |
Heracronite |
Skill Link |
80 |
185 |
115 |
40 |
105 |
75 |
#229 |
Houndoom |
Houndoominite |
Solar Power |
75 |
90 |
90 |
140 |
90 |
115 |
#248 |
Tyranitar |
Tyranitarite |
Sand Stream |
100 |
164 |
150 |
95 |
120 |
71 |
#254 |
Sceptile |
Sceptilite |
Lightning Rod |
70 |
110 |
75 |
145 |
85 |
145 |
#257 |
Blaziken |
Blazikenite |
Speed Boost |
80 |
160 |
80 |
130 |
80 |
100 |
#260 |
Swampert |
Swampertite |
Swift Swim |
100 |
150 |
110 |
95 |
110 |
70 |
#282 |
Gardevoir |
Gardevoirite |
Pixilate |
68 |
85 |
65 |
165 |
135 |
100 |
#302 |
Sableye |
Sablenite |
Magic Bounce |
50 |
85 |
125 |
85 |
115 |
20 |
#303 |
Mawile |
Mawilite |
Huge Power |
50 |
105 |
125 |
55 |
95 |
50 |
#306 |
Aggron |
Aggronite |
Filter |
70 |
140 |
230 |
60 |
80 |
50 |
#308 |
Medicham |
Medichamite |
Pure Power |
60 |
100 |
85 |
80 |
85 |
100 |
#310 |
Manectric |
Manectite |
Intimidate |
70 |
75 |
80 |
135 |
80 |
135 |
#319 |
Sharpedo |
Sharpedonite |
Strong Jaw |
70 |
140 |
70 |
110 |
65 |
105 |
#323 |
Camerupt |
Cameruptite |
Sheer Force |
70 |
120 |
100 |
145 |
105 |
20 |
#334 |
Altaria |
Altarianite |
Pixilate |
75 |
110 |
110 |
110 |
105 |
80 |
#354 |
Banette |
Banettite |
Prankster |
64 |
165 |
75 |
93 |
83 |
75 |
#359 |
Absol |
Absolite |
Magic Bounce |
65 |
150 |
60 |
115 |
60 |
115 |
#362 |
Glalie |
Glalitite |
Refrigerate |
80 |
120 |
80 |
120 |
80 |
100 |
#373 |
Salamence |
Salamencite |
Aerilate |
95 |
145 |
130 |
120 |
90 |
120 |
#376 |
Metagross |
Metagrossite |
Tough Claws |
80 |
145 |
150 |
105 |
110 |
110 |
#380 |
Latias |
Latiasite |
Levitate |
80 |
100 |
120 |
140 |
150 |
110 |
#381 |
Latios |
Latiosite |
Levitate |
80 |
130 |
100 |
160 |
120 |
110 |
#384 |
Rayquaza |
Air Lock |
105 |
180 |
100 |
180 |
100 |
115 |
#428 |
Lopunny |
Lopunnite |
Scrappy |
65 |
136 |
94 |
54 |
96 |
135 |
#445 |
Garchomp |
Garchompite |
Sand Force |
108 |
170 |
115 |
120 |
95 |
92 |
#448 |
Lucario |
Lucarionite |
Adaptability |
70 |
145 |
88 |
140 |
70 |
112 |
#460 |
Abomasnow |
Abomasite |
Snow Warning |
90 |
132 |
105 |
132 |
105 |
30 |
#475 |
Gallade |
Galladite |
Inner Focus |
68 |
165 |
95 |
65 |
115 |
110 |
#531 |
Audino |
Audinite |
Healer |
103 |
60 |
126 |
80 |
126 |
50 |
#719 |
Diancie |
Diancite |
Magic Bounce |
50 |
160 |
110 |
160 |
110 |
110 |
Mega Bracelet
Having the Mega Bracelet is a prerequisite to obtaining any mega stone. You will not be able to start any quest for one without the Mega Bracelet in your inventory.
Before beginning this quest, you must be Kanto champion. Once this has been achieved, make your way to the Vermilion City Library. Speak with Assistant Theodore; he will request that you show him a Pokémon with all of the following traits:
- Must be Level 100.
- Has your OT.
- Has the ability to mega-evolve.
- Has maximum happiness.
- Has maximum EVs, which is 510. These can be in any stat, as long as it is 510.
After showing him a Pokémon with all of that, he will reward you with the Mega Bracelet. You can now begin collecting mega stones.
Mega Stones
Mega Stones, when held, will Mega Evolve their respective Pokémon in-battle.
To obtain them, the player must first obtain a Mega Bracelet from the aforementioned quest. The Stones are mostly available by completing Stone-specific quests, purchasing them from specific stores, and from the prizesets of some bosses.
Wave 1
Generation I
Venusaurite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Venusaurite (quest). |
Charizardite Y |
Rewarded upon completion of the Charizardite Y (quest). |
Blastoisinite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Blastoisinite (quest). |
Gengarite |
Umbra rewards it after completing the mini-game in Nightmare Battlefield. This was only doable during the 2020 Halloween quest and is not currently available. |
Gyaradosite |
Misty rewards it upon completion of her water training camp trials. See more details on the Gyaradosite (quest) page. |
Generation II
Heracronite |
Contest Judge rewards it upon winning the Bug Catching Contest 3 times. |
Houndoominite |
Trick Master rewards it upon completion of the 6th puzzle in the Trick House. |
Scizorite |
Bugsy rewards it after completing the Scizorite (quest). |
Steelixite |
Artifact Maniac Hastor sells it for 1,000 Artifact Pieces. He is located within Historical Site. |
Generation III
Aggronite |
Artifact Maniac Hastor sells it for 1,000 Artifact Pieces. He is located within Historical Site. |
Banettite |
Morty rewards it upon defeating him on hard mode. |
Gardevoirite |
Farmer Wood rewards one of the two upon completion of the Gardevoirite & Galledite (quest). To get the other stone, you have to purchase it using either 100 PvP Coins or 200 PvE Coins. |
Generation IV
Abomasite |
Hidden item in Route 216. It is completely random for each player. Interacting with the trees will provide clues as to where it might be. |
Galladite |
Farmer Wood rewards one of the two upon completion of the Gardevoirite & Galledite (quest). To get the other stone, you have to purchase it using either 100 PvP Coins or 200 PvE Coins. |
Generation V
Audinite |
Ash Westbrook rewards it upon defeating him on hard mode. |
Wave 2
Generation I
Charizardite X |
Rewarded upon completion of the Charizardite X (quest). |
Beedrillite |
Contest Judge rewards it upon winning the Bug Catching Contest 3 times. |
Generation II
Ampharosite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Ampharosite (quest). |
Generation III
Sceptilite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Sceptilite (quest). |
Swampertite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Swampertite (quest). |
Blazikenite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Blazikenite (quest). |
Altarianite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Altarianite (quest). |
Absolite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Absolite (quest). |
Glalitite |
Scientist Paul rewards it upon completion of the Glalitite (quest). |
Salamencite |
Mayor Shiro rewards it upon completion of the Salamencite quest. This is only available during the Valentine’s Day event. |
Latiasite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Latiosite & Latiasite (quest). |
Latiosite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Latiosite & Latiasite (quest). |
Generation IV
Lopunnite |
Shiny Lopunny rewards it upon completion of the Lopunnite (quest). |
Garchompite |
Cynthia rewards it upon completion of the Garchompite (quest). |
Wave 3
Generation I
Pidgeotite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Pidgeotite (quest). |
Alakazite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Alakazite (quest) |
Slowbronite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Slowbronite (quest) |
Pinsirite |
Contest Judge rewards it upon winning the Bug Catching Contest 3 times. |
Aerodactylite |
Artifact Maniac Hastor sells it for 1,000 Artifact Pieces. He is located within Historical Site. |
Generation II
Tyranitarite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Tyranitarite (quest). |
Generation III
Sablenite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Sablenite (quest). |
Mawilite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Mawilite (quest) |
Manectite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Manectite (quest) |
Medichamite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Medichamite (quest) |
Sharpedonite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Sharpedonite & Cameruptite (quest) |
Cameruptite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Sharpedonite & Cameruptite (quest) |
Metagrossite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Metagrossite (quest) |
Generation VI
Diancite |
Rewarded upon completion of the Diancie (quest) |