Moody (ability)

Broken Ability This ability is identified as a broken one; it is either not programmed in altogether or it is missing at least some of its constitutive subfunctions. Read its description for more information. Moody … Read more

Simple (ability)

Simple is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function Simple doubles the number of stages a stat is changed by. This counts for raising and lowering stats. Inheritees Pokémon Predominant ability … Read more

Suction Cups (ability)

Suction Cups is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function Suction Cups will cause: Cannot be forced to switch. Increases chance of encountering Pokemon while fishing. Inheritable Pokémon Predominant ability Primary … Read more

Natural Cure (ability)

Natural Cure is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function Natural Cure will cure status on switching out. Inheritable Pokémon Predominant ability Primary # No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability … Read more

Slush Rush (ability)

Slush Rush is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function If Hail is active, this Pokemon’s Speed is doubled. Inheritable Pokémon Predominant ability Primary # No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 … Read more

Volt Absorb (ability)

Volt Absorb is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Its inheritees are predominantly Electric-type Pokémon. Function Whenever the possessor sustains Electric-type attacks, all potentially inflicted damage is negated and the move … Read more

Rough Skin (ability)

Rough Skin is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function Rough Skin will cause: Deals 1/8 recoil damage when the opponent makes contact. Inheritable Pokémon Predominant ability Primary # No. Pokémon … Read more

Pressure (ability)

Pressure is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function Pressure will cause: Enemy attacks lose 1 extra PP. Inheritable Pokémon Predominant ability Primary # No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability … Read more

Magic Bounce (ability)

Magic Bounce is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function Magic Bounce will bounce back certain non-damaging moves. Inheritable Pokémon Predominant ability Mega Pokémon # No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 … Read more

Protean (ability)

Protean is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon. Function This Pokemon’s type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects … Read more