Mt. Silver

Mt. Silver — Kanto
Overviewing collage
Mt. Silver 1F
Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside
Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside
Mt. Silver Expert Belt
Mt. Silver 2F
Mt. Silver 3F
Mt. Silver Moltres Chamber
Mt. Silver Summit

Land Pokémon

Average levels
Extremely Rares

Water Pokémon

Average levels
Extremely Rares


Battleable NPCs
Ground-lootable items
Berry trees

Adjacent areas

Mt. Silver
Mt. Silver Exterior

Mt. Silver is a mountainous network of cave chambers in Kanto. It is most known as being a very high level area in which Red will be waiting to fight at the summit. The path to him is however very long and filled with tough trainers.

The wild Pokémons are also an interesting point of the mountain. Not only are the Pokémon very high level, there are also many rare Pokémons living on the mountain, most notably Larvitar. Although it is not considered one of the best leveling locations, particularly due to the large amount of Pokémon with the ability Sturdy and the presence of higher level areas, it can still remain a compromise between leveling and rare Pokémon hunting.

Notable miscellanies

Climbing to Red

Getting to Red is no easy feat. It will be necessary to defeat many strong trainers blocking the way.

First, it will be necessary to defeat the trainers directly blocking the way to the summit. There will be three Rocket Grunts to fight with incomplete teams, followed by Jackson who will have a full party of 6 level 100s.

After going further, a Hiker will be blocking the path, asking to defeat the Karate Master in Expert Belt. This room is closer to the entrance of Mt. Silver, and will require Surf in addition to either Waterfall or Rock Smash. The Waterfall route simply requires to go up the waterfall west of the entrance in Mt. Silver 1F and enter the nearby room. The Rock Smash route however will require to go up to the upper floor of 1F and go down into the water south-west of the floor.

Once in there, the Karate Master will fight the player with a full diverse team. Upon defeating him, he will reward the player with an Expert Belt, and the Hiker blocking the way in Upper Mountainside will leave, leaving no more obstacle to reach Red.

Red (boss)

Red will be waiting at the Summit of Mt. Silver. He will fight the player on the condition that he or she has at least 3 level 100 Pokémons. Win or lose, he will disappear and the Subway will become usable, if the other requirement has been fulfilled. See the main article for more information.

Main article: Red (boss)


Red’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Surf Water Special 90 100
Grass Knot Grass Special 100
Knock Off Dark Physical 65 100

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Psychic Psychic Special 90 100
Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100
Calm Mind Psychic Status

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Sleep Powder Grass Status 75
Leech Seed Grass Status 100
Giga Drain Grass Special 75 100
Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Hydro Pump Water Special 110 80
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100
Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100
Aura Sphere Fighting Special 80

Mega Charizard Y
Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Flamethrower Fire Special 90 100
Roost Flying Status
Solar Beam Grass Special 120 100
Air Slash Flying Special 75 95

Nature Ability Item
Random Random None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100
Curse Ghost Status
Rest Psychic Status
Sleep Talk Normal Status
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.

Terminator (boss)

Terminator is the only NPC staying in Mt. Silver Moltres Room. To reach him, it will be necessary to bring a Pokémon who knows the move Waterfall. He will fight the player on the condition that he or she has at least 400 hours of playtime and has completed the Sinnoh Elite Four.

Main article: Terminator (boss)



Terminator’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Clear Body None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Wild Charge Electric Physical 90 100
Gear Grind Steel Physical 50 85
Shift Gear Steel Status
Return Normal Physical 100

Nature Ability Item
Modest Analytic None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Psychic Psychic Special 90 100
Energy Ball Grass Special 90 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Bold Analytic None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100
Foul Play Dark Physical 95 100
Recover Normal Status
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Speed Boost None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Waterfall Water Physical 80 100
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100
Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Aftermath None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 80
Curse Ghost Status
Drain Punch Fighting Physical 75 100
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Modest Levitate None
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Hydro Pump Water Special 110 80
Hidden Power Ice Ice Special 60 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.


Terminator’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Clear Body Life Orb
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Wild Charge Electric Physical 90 100
Gear Grind Steel Physical 50 85
Shift Gear Steel Status
Return Normal Physical 100

Nature Ability Item
Modest Analytic Choice Specs
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Psychic Psychic Special 90 100
Energy Ball Grass Special 90 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Bold Analytic Eviolite
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100
Foul Play Dark Physical 95 100
Recover Normal Status
Thunder Wave Electric Status 100

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Speed Boost Choice Band
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Waterfall Water Physical 80 100
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100
Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100

Nature Ability Item
Adamant Aftermath Assualt Vest
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 80
Curse Ghost Status
Drain Punch Fighting Physical 75 100
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Modest Levitate Choice Specs
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Hydro Pump Water Special 110 80
Hidden Power Ice Ice Special 60 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.


Terminator’s Lineup

Nature Ability Item
Modest Analytic Choice Specs
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Hidden Power Ice Ice Special 60 100
Magnet Rise Electric Status
Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100

Nature Ability Item
Modest Magic Guard Choice Specs
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Thunder Electric Special 110 70
Recover Normal Status
Energy Ball Grass Special 90 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100
Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100
Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70

Nature Ability Item
Timid Analytic Choice Specs
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Toxic Poison Status 90
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100
Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100

Alolan Muk
Nature Ability Item
Adamant Poison Touch Choice Band
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 80
Knock Off Dark Physical 65 100
Thunder Punch Electric Physical 75 100
Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80

Nature Ability Item
Timid Levitate Choice Specs
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
Energy Ball Grass Special 90 100
Calm Mind Psychic Status
Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 85 100
Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100

shiny Genesect
Nature Ability Item
Naughty Download Choice Band
Move Type Category Base Power Accuracy
X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100
Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100
Flamethrower Fire Special 90 100
  • Emboldened moves avail from a STAB bonus when deployed by that Pokémon.
  • Italicized moves are functionally broken; see their individualized pages for more information.


After meeting the Legendary Beast Trio in Bell Tower, all three of the beasts will flee and disperse throughout Johto. Raikou will have fled to Mt. Silver and will be waiting east of the northern exit of Mt. Silver 3F, meaning all the trainers blocking the way to Red must also be defeated for Raikou. Raikou will battle the player upon talking to it, giving at the same time its Pokédex seen data. He is estimated to be level 120.

Move Tutors

Iron Defense Tutor

A Move Tutor for the move Iron Defense is located directly west of the entrance in Mt. Silver 1F, which will require Surf to reach. He will teach the move to any compatible Pokémon for the price of 8,000.

Stone Edge Tutor

A Move Tutor for the move Stone Edge is located in the south-east of Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside, directly next to the southmost exit. He will teach the move to any compatible Pokémon for the price of 15,000.

Wild Pokémon

Mt. Silver 1F


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Golbat 47-50 Morning Day Night Common
Graveler 47-50 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Common
Magmar 47-50 Day Magmarizer Rare
Misdreavus 47-50 Morning Day Night Spell Tag Uncommon
Onix 47-50 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Uncommon
Quagsire 47-50 Morning Night Damp Rock Common
Steelix 47-50 Morning Day Night Metal Coat Rare
Ursaring 47-50 Day Sitrus Berry Uncommon
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rod Rarity Tier
Golduck 47-50 Morning Day Night Common
Poliwag 47-50 Morning Day Night Kings Rock Common
Poliwhirl 47-50 Morning Day Night Uncommon
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick
Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rod Rarity Tier
Magikarp 47-50 Morning Day Night Common
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area.
  • All Pokémon tabulated here can only be encountered via fishing; they are not Surf-encounterable.

Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Aipom 48-52 Morning Day Night Leppa Berry Uncommon
Donphan 48-52 Morning Day Night Oran Berry Uncommon
Graveler 48-52 Morning Day Night Common
Hitmonlee 55-58 Morning Day Night Black Belt Rare
Larvitar 48-52 Morning Oran Berry Rare
Onix 48-52 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Uncommon
Phanpy 48-52 Morning Day Night Oran Berry Uncommon
Quagsire 48-52 Morning Day Night Common
Teddiursa 48-52 Morning Day Night Oran Berry Common
Ursaring 48-52 Morning Day Night Sitrus Berry Uncommon
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick

Mt. Silver Expert Belt


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Donphan 50-54 Morning Day Night Leppa Berry Uncommon
Golduck 50-54 Morning Day Night Common
Larvitar 55-59 Morning Day Night Rare
Misdreavus 50-54 Morning Day Night Spell Tag Uncommon
Phanpy 20-27 Morning Day Night Leppa Berry Uncommon
Pupitar 55-59 Morning Day Night Rare
Teddiursa 50-54 Morning Day Night Oran Berry Common
Ursaring 50-54 Morning Day Night Sitrus Berry Uncommon
Zubat 50-54 Morning Day Night Common
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick

Mt. Silver Moltres Chamber


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Donphan 45-52 Morning Day Night Leppa Berry Uncommon
Golbat 45-52 Morning Day Night Soothe Bell Common
Golduck 45-52 Morning Day Night Mystic Water Common
Graveler 45-52 Morning Day Night Soothe Bell Common
Larvitar 45-52 Day Lum Berry Rare
Misdreavus 45-52 Morning Day Night Spell Tag Uncommon
Quagsire 45-52 Morning Day Night Damp Rock Common
Steelix 45-52 Morning Day Night Metal Coat Rare
Ursaring 45-52 Morning Day Night Sitrus Berry Uncommon
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick

Mt. Silver 2F


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Donphan 50-55 Morning Day Night Leppa Berry Uncommon
Golbat 50-55 Morning Day Night Common
Graveler 50-55 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Common
Larvitar 50-55 Day Rare
Machoke 50-55 Morning Day Night Focus Band Common
Misdreavus 50-55 Morning Day Night Spell Tag Uncommon
Onix 50-55 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Uncommon
Parasect 50-55 Morning Day Night Big Mushroom Common
Quagsire 50-55 Morning Day Night Common
Steelix 50-55 Morning Day Night Metal Coat Rare
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick

Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Donphan 52-55 Morning Day Night Leppa Berry Uncommon
Golduck 52-55 Morning Day Night Mystic Water Common
Graveler 52-55 Morning Day Night Soothe Bell Common
Hitmonchan 56-59 Morning Day Night Black Belt Rare
Larvitar 52-55 Day Rare
Misdreavus 52-55 Night Spell Tag Uncommon
Quagsire 52-55 Morning Day Night Damp Rock Common
Sneasel 52-55 Morning Night Razor Claw Rare
Teddiursa 52-55 Morning Day Night Sitrus Berry Common
Ursaring 52-55 Morning Day Night Sitrus Berry Common
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick

Headbuttable Trees

Pokémon Levels Rarity Tier

Mt. Silver 3F


Pokémon Level range Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Absol 20-28 Morning Day Night Rare
Bronzor 20-28 Morning Day Night Metal Coat Uncommon
Golbat 53-56 Morning Day Night Common
Graveler 53-56 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Common
Larvitar 48-56 Day Rare
Makuhita 52-56 Morning Day Night Black Belt Uncommon
Misdreavus 53-56 Morning Day Night Spell Tag Uncommon
Onix 50-53 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Uncommon
Parasect 52-56 Morning Day Night Big Mushroom Common
Quagsire 50-53 Morning Day Night Common
Teddiursa 50-53 Morning Day Night Oran Berry Common
Ursaring 53-56 Day Sitrus Berry Uncommon
  • Pink-colored names denote that this Pokémon is exclusively encounterable for members in this area
  • Emboldened levels indicate they are isolatable with the Repel trick


Item Quantity Cooldown Location
Elixir 1 Not respawnable In the north-east corner of Mt. Silver 1F, reachable from the northmost entrance of Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside.
PP Up 1 Not respawnable Two floors north of the center entrance in Mt. Silver 2F.
Calcium 1 Not respawnable Center west of last floor in Mt. Silver 2F. Requires Rock Smash.
Full Restore 1 Not respawnable Center south of last floor in Mt. Silver 2F, following the same path as the above Calcium. Also requires Rock Smash.
Rare Candy 1 Not respawnable Hidden item. On a rock next to the center-north exit in Mt. Silver 2F.
Aspear Berry 1-3 3 days Berry trees in southwestmost of Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside. There are two of them.

NPC Trainers

Mt. Silver 1F

Mt. Silver 1F Trainers

Rocket Grunt

Lv. 88
Lv. 89
Lv. 89
Lv. 90

Notes: This trainer cannot be rechallenged.

Cooldown: 2 hours

Rocket Grunt

Lv. 90
Lv. 91
Lv. 92
Lv. 94

Notes: This trainer cannot be rechallenged.

Cooldown: 2 hours

Rocket Grunt

Lv. 93
Lv. 94
Lv. 95
Lv. 97
Lv. 99

Notes: This trainer cannot be rechallenged.

Cooldown: 2 hours

All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.

Mt. Silver 2F

Mt. Silver 2F Trainers


Lv. 100
Lv. 100
Lv. 100
Lv. 100
Lv. 100
Lv. 100

Notes: This trainer does not reward any experience nor money, and cannot be rechallenged.

Cooldown: 2 hours

All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.

Mt. Silver Expert Belt

Mt. Silver 2F Trainers

Karate Master

Lv. ??
Lv. ??
Lv. ??
Lv. ??
Lv. ??
Lv. ??

Notes: This trainer does not reward any experience nor money, and cannot be rechallenged. Upon defeat, he will reward the player with an Expert Belt and free the last obstacle to Red.

Cooldown: 24 hours

All NPCs cool down after 7 days unless noted contrariwise.