Shed Skin (ability)

Shed Skin is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.


Shed Skin gives 30% chance to heal status.

Inheritable Pokémon

Predominant ability


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
11 Metapod Bug Shed Skin
14 Kakuna Bug Poison Shed Skin
147 Dratini Dragon Shed Skin Marvel Scale
148 Dragonair Dragon Shed Skin Marvel Scale
247 Pupitar Rock Ground Shed Skin
266 Silcoon Bug Shed Skin
268 Cascoon Bug Shed Skin
336 Seviper Poison Shed Skin Infiltrator
401 Kricketot Bug Shed Skin Run Away
412 Burmy Bug Shed Skin Overcoat
559 Scraggy Dark Fighting Shed Skin Moxie Intimidate
560 Scrafty Dark Fighting Shed Skin Moxie Intimidate
665 Spewpa Bug Shed Skin Friend Guard


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
23 Ekans Poison Intimidate Shed Skin Unnerve
24 Arbok Poison Intimidate Shed Skin Unnerve
588 Karrablast Bug Swarm Shed Skin No Guard