Overcoat (ability)

Overcoat is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.


This Pokemon is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail.

Inheritees Pokémon

Predominant ability


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
577 Solosis Psychic Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
578 Duosion Psychic Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
579 Reuniclus Psychic Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
629 Vullaby Dark Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor
630 Mandibuzz Dark Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor

Hidden ability

# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
90 Shellder Water Shell Armor Skill Link Overcoat
91 Cloyster Water Ice Shell Armor Skill Link Overcoat
204 Pineco Bug Sturdy Overcoat
205 Forretress Bug Steel Sturdy Overcoat
372 Shelgon Dragon Rock Head Overcoat
412 Burmy Bug Shed Skin Overcoat
413 Wormadam-Plant Bug Grass Anticipation Overcoat
413A Wormadam-Sandy Bug Ground Anticipation Overcoat
413B Wormadam-Trash Bug Steel Anticipation Overcoat
540 Sewaddle Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
541 Swadloon Bug Grass Leaf Guard Chlorophyll Overcoat
542 Leavanny Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
589 Escavalier Bug Steel Swarm Shell Armor Overcoat
616 Shelmet Bug Hydration Shell Armor Overcoat
782 Jangmo-o Dragon Bulletproof Soundproof Overcoat
783 Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting Bulletproof Soundproof Overcoat
784 Kommo-o Dragon Fighting Bulletproof Soundproof Overcoat