Synchronize (ability)

Synchronize is one of the many abilities that are inheritable by Pokémon.


In battle

Whenever the possessor is onset by a status ailment—the only exceptions being sleep and frozenness—that same status ailment will be transmitted back into the afflictor, thereby ensuring that both Pokémon are afflicted by the status ailment unisonously.

Other ailment-inducing abilities, such as Psycho Shift, will also trigger Synchronize; however, self-induced ailments, such as those onset by Orbs, will not rebound the ailment onto the opponent.

Curative agents, such as Berries and Psycho Shift, will all execute after Synchronize; that subsequence ensures that they will negate Synchronize, since they will immediately cure the transmitted ailment.

Outside of battle

If the lead Pokémon in the party has the Synchronize ability, there’s a 50% chance that any wild Pokémon captured will inherit the same Nature as the possessor regardless of whether the latter is fainted or usable.

Because of this function, Synchronize in greatly coveted complement with the desired Nature, since it facilitates the hunt for any Pokémon with the desired Nature.


Predominant ability


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
63 Abra Psychic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
64 Kadabra Psychic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
65 Alakazam Psychic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
151 Mew Psychic Synchronize
177 Natu Psychic Flying Synchronize Early Bird Magic Bounce
178 Xatu Psychic Flying Synchronize Early Bird Magic Bounce
196 Espeon Psychic Synchronize Magic Bounce
197 Umbreon Dark Synchronize Inner Focus
280 Ralts Psychic Fairy Synchronize Trace Telepathy
281 Kirlia Psychic Fairy Synchronize Trace Telepathy
282 Gardevoir Psychic Fairy Synchronize Trace Telepathy


# No. Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 Ability 1 Ability 2 Hidden Ability
517 Munna Psychic Forewarn Synchronize Telepathy
518 Musharna Psychic Forewarn Synchronize Telepathy
605 Elgyem Psychic Telepathy Synchronize Analytic
606 Beheeyem Psychic Telepathy Synchronize Analytic